A Conversation for Movie News from Robbie Stamp

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 81

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

Yes he was an important part of the book.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 82

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - ok,what RK is saying is that if your idiot cousin smiley - laughs histerically during a supposed 'funny' film;then the film has been produced aiming at the least intelligent of the species.Puns,double meanings,double entrandes(sp),are not readily apparent at 1st glance,& they shouldn`t be! wicked wit is something to be cherished,not passed over in favor of mediocrity.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 83

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

I prefer films like blair witch 2. I found the others scarier than BW2. Spooky.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 84


Industreal light and magic...thats a great idea. With the ILM, this film gains massive amounts of potential. With some computer effects this film could be huge. The ILM is a good call. And as an American, I say leave it to the United Kingdom for casting. I mean, thats how the book was written, with an english crew.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 85

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

True but if Hugh Grants in it I'm not going to watch it.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 86

Mr. Beeblebrox

Neither would I

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 87

Mr. Beeblebrox

I don't like Hugh Grant or his movies.
Has a release date been announced for the HH movie?
Or will they make one?

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 88

Mr. Beeblebrox

He really was. How could Peter Jackson cut him away?!
He was one of the real mysteries in lotr.
All others where explained in for example Silmarillion.
The Towers wasn't really a great movie to much fighting and change of story.


A B-) Movie??!???

Post 89

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

And Dr. Pepper.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 90

Mr. Beeblebrox

Don't know about that...

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 91

Researcher 234069

Loved "Fierce Creatures". Very few people saw it though.


A B-) Movie??!???

Post 92

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

The thing was good.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 93

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

I,too,saw 'fierce creatures'.smiley - biggrin brillant! Not to mention references to 'a fish called wanda' in the end.Between john cleese & jamie lee curtis-of course you lot caught them,right???????? smiley - ok,so there`re not teenagers, so what??? smiley - laugh *giggle* smiley - laugh

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 94

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

I still like the thing.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 95

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

To thing or not to thing,that is the ?...

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 96

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

Its got an alien in it.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 97

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - aliensmile

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 98

Researcher 185550

Alien, I quite liked that film. American beauty, now there's another kick@ss movie.

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 99

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

Road trip and American Pie!

A B-) Movie??!???

Post 100

Researcher 185550

Ah well, they're more modern, and American Pie made me laugh like heck, but I haven't seen Road Trip.

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