A Conversation for Guardroom

The Office

Post 101


*sticks on a pair of glasses with funny eyes on springs. pretends to sharpe a pencil. gets blue ink all over himself*

dammit! that's not a pencilsmiley - cross

The Office

Post 102


That better have been a pen!

The Office

Post 103

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - bigeyes *perfects the 'Who Me' wide eyed innocent look*

The Office

Post 104



The Office

Post 105


*rests feet up on desk*

Am I an MP yet?!

The Office

Post 106

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

What do you say Creachy skip the formalities and get Excelsior to set the final test ( if he's awake yet smiley - laugh )

The Office

Post 107


Just promote me!

The Office

Post 108

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

We can't, I've got a perfect situation for you

I've flipped and I'm holding Creachy hostage, it's up to you to find out the reason why and you need to talk me out or find away to get Creachy out.


*Grabs a knife and Gun, grabs Creachy and starts screaming*

The Office

Post 109


*wonders what the hell is going on but decides not to move cos the springy eyes on the glasses are caught on his goatee*

The Office

Post 110

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


This is HPB's final evaluation

He's got to sort this out

The Office

Post 111


oh right.

*starts to act like a panicky hostage*

The Office

Post 112


Put. The. Gun. Down. And. Preferably. The. Knife.

The Office

Post 113


*breaks sweat*

The Office

Post 114


Hang on! What are you holding creachy with if you've got a gun and a knife in each hand???

The Office

Post 115

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I've got a gun in my hand the knife in my belt

smiley - wah He promised to marry me smiley - wah

And I caught him with another woman, well half woman half cat smiley - wah

I want him back and if he won't honour his promises I'll kill both of us smiley - wah

The Office

Post 116


Well luckily I'm a fake vicar...

Do you?

The Office

Post 117


i never said that! you're dillusional woman!

The Office

Post 118


That's not helping..!

Besides, you're both kicked out for fratanising with fellow army staff...

And if you kill him you'll be thrown away for a veeeery long time!

The Office

Post 119


*rlaxes a little*

now you see, i would have thrown a bucket of water over her. it's obvious her hormones are playing up and she needs to cool downsmiley - biggrin

The Office

Post 120


*throws a bucket of estrogen*

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