A Conversation for Guardroom

The Office

Post 81


Gives Reef smiley - tea

The Office

Post 82

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - ta

The Office

Post 83


*comes bursting through the door and shoots behind his desk. a manic look on his face. starts to shove stuff off his desk to clear room for a large piece of paper. on it, in clear bold letters, is the title 'HOW TO DESTROY THE T'n'C', the rest is blank...*

anyone got a pen? someone must have a pen? who keeps nicking my pens goddammit!?

The Office

Post 84

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ok what's she done to you now

The Office

Post 85


*hands over a pen that has 'creachy' inscribed on it in gold letters*

The Office

Post 86


*takes pen whilst giving HPB a rather stern look*

she aint done nuffink. that's the problem. I AM BORED!

The Office

Post 87

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - laugh

The Office

Post 88


so any ideassmiley - huh

The Office

Post 89


i know im not sposed to be peering in the windows but feck it..im omnipresent!smiley - diva

i might have some ideas smiley - devil..evil ones too

The Office

Post 90

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

smiley - wow

The Office

Post 91

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Put a landmine in her litter tray
glue the doors shut
drop 3 tons of cold porridge on the barracks
start another smiley war
Read Vogon poetry at them

The Office

Post 92


cyanide in the water supply smiley - smiley

The Office

Post 93


the Roman trick of poisoning the well. very good. we could do that one last in the event that we may be defeatedsmiley - ok

i like the landmine in the litter tray. and glueing of the doorssmiley - laugh now, where's HPB, i got a job for him.

The Office

Post 94

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

When's she back, I'm just going for a scout round their barracks, just doing my security rounds smiley - winkeye

The Office

Post 95

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I'm back and most people are here F125207?thread=288770&post=3857695#p3857695 in their canteen this is the place to start the attack I think

The Office

Post 96


oh goody. i'll go see.

The Office

Post 97


*wonders if old man creachy is going blind as I am sat in the office*

The Office

Post 98


smiley - bleep change of plans. she's back now! do your best to look innocent!

The Office

Post 99


*sticks on Hitler moustache and stupid fringe*

The Office

Post 100


*fears the look is catching attention, so sticks on bowler hat*

Wam, Charlie Chaplin!

Key: Complain about this post