A Conversation for The h2g2 Monty Python Fan (Pythonist) Society

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 121

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

...make an excellent dinner out of...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 122

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

...poke them in the eye with radioactive coathangers while whistling a merry score of ...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 123

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

salmon mousse. However you should be careful and check the...

smiley - cheers

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 124

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

...last post, otherwise things just don't make any sense and that...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 125

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...leads to a great confusion and mike looking like a bit of a...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 126

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

genius. However there were others amongst the merry band who...

smiley - cheers

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 127

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

...wanted to dance the way Mei had in House of Flying Daggers...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 128

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...but instead they lay on the floor and kicked their legs in the air in mirth because...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 129

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

...nobody could possibly move their legs that way without years of practice...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 130

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...learning to turn into terry jones at will. they had not mastered this amazing ability, so they simply...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 131

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

... wandered down to wales, in the hope that even if they could not become jonesy, they could find a wooly companion to .....

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 132

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...make jumpers out of. However, they could not find any llamas, so they had to make do with...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 133

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

.. a sopwith camel, which biggles had handily just flown in from the coast of ....

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 134

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...the land where evil porpoises roam free and wild, using allison's socks as nosewarmers. algy and ginger saw biggles and...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 135

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

.. proceeded to enjoy a large packet of custard creams. Biggles however.....

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 136

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...shouted 'JOIN IN!!!', causing Bertie to leap from behind a tree and trip over his monocle. Algy...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 137

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

..smoked his pipe and muttered at how silly things were getting in the RAF these days. Meanwhile Ginger broke into a score of ..

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 138

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

..old musical numbers. he tapdanced his way across the rooftops to freedom, leaving algy and biggles to...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 139

MichaelWallace (aka: first-mate hedgehog!)

.. play snap, using a herd of goats as ...

The Pythonists' Stream of...Consciousness

Post 140

jimbob_ii (hey, who turned off the lights?)

...racehorses, they sped across the sand dunes. unfortunately, algy's goat tripped over bertie, who proceeded to...

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