A Conversation for The Boars Head

The Bar

Post 4341

Reality Manipulator

Greetings from Thurrock smiley - biggrin

Hello DS,smiley - smiley

Happy Belated New Year wishes, and a Happy Chinese New Year (year of the rabbit) smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - pggbsmiley - pggbsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - crackersmiley - cracker, thank you for sharing the very funny prayer.smiley - biggrin

When I went on the first walk (organised walk through Davy Downs Riverside Park) of the New Year, one of the walkers said that her neighour said it is not a good idea to do housework on New Years Day or you'll spend every day of the year doing the same thing.

I only found about the Ashes three days after their victory, as I have not been keeping up with the news, and I find that in winter I always need more sleep than any other time of the year.

Very dissapointed about Andy Murry, he has been so close to winning a grand slam tourament.

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks, my examinations went very well, and my certificates are know kept in my portfolio folder, I have been a bit off colour and I hope that you and you're family are keeping well.smiley - smiley

Katrinesmiley - smileysmiley - zen

The Bar

Post 4342


Katrine, here's Cognac smiley - stiffdrink for a speedy recovery. smiley - smiley


The Bar

Post 4343

Reality Manipulator

Sorry DS for not replying earlier, and thank you for your very kind concern and wishes. I am feeling a lot better in myself now and I am back on the weekly organised walks at the local riverside park. Thank you for the glass of cognac smiley - stiffdrink, it's nice to have especially on a cold winter's day although the last time I drank it, my lips went numb.smiley - smiley

Katrine smiley - zen

The Bar

Post 4344


Hi Katrine,smiley - smiley

I assume you're fully recovered by now.

Colombo is buzzing with excitement due to the fast approaching Cricket World Cup !!!!smiley - biggrin

We're starting a string of holidays today - only Friday is a working day for this week smiley - cool

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Best Regards,
DSsmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4345

Reality Manipulator

Hello SDsmiley - smiley

Thank you for your very kind concern, I am feeling a lot better now and I hope you're keeping well too.smiley - smiley

Good news that Sri Lanka will be hosint the Cricket World cup and I hope that you'll be able to go and watch some of the matches.smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin

Good to hear that you have are having some time off work, I hope that you'll have an enjoyable time off work.smiley - biggrin

Easter will be coming late this year April 24 and the last time it was this late was in 1943 and that was on April 25.

I have been listening to quite a few birds, and for the first time this year I've spotted the robin several times, and they have a very lovely bird song.

Today I saw robins and smiley - tit who are both very small birds and both beautiful singers.

Thank you for the smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Here are a few cocktails: smiley - pggbsmiley - pggbsmiley - pggbsmiley - pggb,

Warmest wishes and regards,


The Bar

Post 4346


Hi Katrine !!!!smiley - smiley

smiley - pggbsmiley - pggbsmiley - pggbsmiley - pggb ...... thanks for the lovely cocktails. smiley - biggrin

Every day when driving home, I see pelicans perched on street lamp posts;they look eerie but fascinating. I'll post some pix (can I post pix here?). If not, I'll send my e-mail address.

We have a wide variety of smaller birds too.

The cricket is well and truly .... on - England were involved in three super matches.

Hoope all's well.

smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Warmest Best Wishes,
DSsmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4347

Reality Manipulator

Hello DSsmiley - smiley

I had a very busy day yesterday, had an appointment about a training course but the person who was to see me was not there, so another appointment was made in two weeks time and hopefully I will get information about the course that I am interested in going on.smiley - smiley

After two hours back from signing on I went out again to see my sister, which took an hour by to Tilbury and another hour back. It was a lovely day, sunny but a bit on the cold side.smiley - smiley

Saw my first bluebottle fly yesterday and this afternoon there was a swarm in the kitchen so I opened the window and they all flew out except one that stayed in.smiley - smiley

You can post a web link to the photo's of pelicans. Perhaps the pelicans are having in deep thought when they are perched on street lamp posts.smiley - cheerssmiley - ta

Thank you all is well, and I Hope you are keeping well too. It has been gloriously sunny today and yesterday, with a rare sight a totally cloudless sky all day and night.smiley - bigeyessmiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

I have not been following the cricket but I hope that England will do well.

I am reading the Lord of the Rings book which has The Fellowship of the Ring (2 books), The Two Towers (2 books) and The REturn of the King (two books) it's a great read.smiley - coolsmiley - applausesmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerssmiley - coolsmiley - elf

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThank you for the smiley - bubbly and the smiley - choc and it is the start of the cricket season smiley - strawberries dipped in smiley - bubbly, and pimms smiley - pggb.

Warmest wishes and regards,
Katrinesmiley - zensmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4348


Greetings from Colombo !!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Hi Katrine,

Just noticed you have no internet facilities at the moment; hope it's a very temporary situation. smiley - smiley

I've not been on-line too much lately. We lost the Cricket World Cup Final to India. smiley - sadface There were the usual resignations and rumours of match fixing - all silly notions.smiley - biggrin

This week being Holy Week, I won't be working from Maunday Thursday to next Monday. Last week too we had a stretch of 5 holidays !!!!smiley - biggrin Lucky I finished all the "As Built" drawings for the recently completed Mini Hydro Project and handed over to client. smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly So, I can really enjoy this weekend with a camping trip to the jungles.

Trust all is tops with you. Shall write soon.

Warmest Best Wishes,
DS smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4349


Greetings from Colombo !!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Hi Katrine,

Just noticed you have no internet facilities at the moment; hope it's a very temporary situation. smiley - smiley

I've not been on-line too much lately. We lost the Cricket World Cup Final to India. smiley - sadface There were the usual resignations and rumours of match fixing - all silly notions.smiley - biggrin

This week being Holy Week, I won't be working from Maunday Thursday to Monday. Last week too we had a stretch of 5 holidays !!!!smiley - biggrin Lucky I finished all the "As Built" drawings for the recently completed Mini Hydro Project. smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly So, I can really enjoy this weekend with a camping trip to the jungles.

Trust all is tops with you. Shall write soon.

Warmest Best Wishes & Happy Easter,
DS smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4350

Reality Manipulator

Greetings from Colombosmiley - biggrin

Hello DSsmiley - cheers,

Thank you for your kind concern, I am now back online as I have a working Pentium 4 pc with full office packages.smiley - cool

I hope you had a very enjoyable Easter, I attended all the church services with my sister and also dined with her. On Good Friday, we both had toasted hot cross buns, and boiled eggs with a cup of tea, and on Saturday we went to Easter Vigil Mass and on Sunday we had a roast chicken with various vegetables.

Sorry to hear the Sri Lanka lost against India in the Cricket World Cup Final.

We have not had any rain for quite a while and the farmers are not happy about it. The only way to get it to rain is to hold a garden party, hold several cricket and tennis touranments as well as barbeque as in the past these events have always caused rain to appear.

Congratulations on completing the the drawings for the recently completed Mini Hydro Project.smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I hope that you have had a great time camping in the jungles.

Thank you, I am keeping well and I hope you are keeping well too.

Warmest wishes and regards,
Katrinesmiley - zensmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4351


Hi Katrine, smiley - smiley

Trust you're having lovely summer. It's been along time since I dropped in. May I get you a Gin & Lime smiley - stiffdrink? smiley - biggrin As usual, I've been watching all the tennis and cricket - was very disappointed when young Andy Murray lost in the semis.

Shall drop in soon,

Warmest best wishes,
DSsmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4352

Reality Manipulator

Hello DSsmiley - smiley

Having a glorious summer, lots of sunshine. Thank you for the Gin & Lime smiley - stiffdrink, very refreshing. I have not watched tennis regularly since the 90's as I preferred the style of tennis then, especially with their trick shots. Disappointed with Andy Murray but I think it could be a psychological problem which he needs to get pass.

Have a great summer,

Warmest best wishes and regards,
Katrinesmiley - zen

The Bar

Post 4353


Hi Katrina,

Greetings from Colombo !!!! smiley - biggrin

Trust all is well with you - in my country when one meets a friend after a long, long time we have an Arrack smiley - stiffdrink chased with Ginger Ale and smiley - choc .... so please join me smiley - biggrin

Now that my outstation work is complete I shall visit the Bar for regular chats and of course a stiff drink or two. smiley - smiley

Have you been watching the Rugby World Cup ?

Warmest Best Regards,

DS smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4354

Reality Manipulator

Hello DS,

Greetings from the Green and Pleasant land of England.smiley - biggrin

Thank you all is well with me, and I hope you are keeping well too. Thank you for the lovely Arrack smiley - stiffdrink chased with Ginger Ale and smiley - choc a beautiful combination of coconut, ginger and smiley - choc flavours.smiley - cheers

On Tuesday mornings I work at a charity shop as a volunteer shop assistant, on Wednesday I work at a local voluntary bureau telephoning local organisations and groups to update the database and make sure that the information about the community organisations and groups are up-to-date. On Thursday I help with a group to help people with learning disabilities lead a more independent life. In two weeks time I will be starting a mental health befriending course where I receive training to prepare me in befriending people with mental health problems.

No, I have not been able to watch the Rugby World Cup but I did see the opening ceremony. I have been staying at my sister's in Tilbury for a few days looking after her cat whilst she was visiting our cousin and her family in Wales. Then my sister and I went to visit our Aunt who lives in Staffordshire for a few days.

Warmest wishes and regards,
Katrine smiley - alesmiley - ale Arran Sunset Premium Beer

The Bar

Post 4355


Greetings from Colombo !!!!!

Hi Katrine,

Merry X'mas !!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - gift trust you had a most enjoyable day filled with christmas spirit and cheer. Please join me in a celebratory cognac smiley - biggrin

Warmest best regards,
DS smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4356

Reality Manipulator

Greetings from Tilburysmiley - cheesesmiley - crispssmiley - choc+smiley - oj+smiley - stiffdrink

Hello DS,smiley - hollysmiley - xmastreesmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - xmastreesmiley - holly

May all the joys of the season be yours with all Good Wishes
for Christmas and the New Year.smiley - snowmansmiley - snowballsmiley - llabwonssmiley - footprintssmiley - snowmansmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - crackersmiley - cracker

Thank you for your very kind Christmas wishes and for the celebratory cognac smiley - stiffdrink.

It has been a very mild winter and we have had hardly any frost and no sign of any snow yet. I hope that we will get some proper winter weather in the New Year.

Warmest wishes and regards,

The Bar

Post 4357


Hi Katrine,

smiley - choc and smiley - bubbly from Colombo. smiley - biggrin

Warm best wishes

DSsmiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4358

Reality Manipulator

Hi DSsmiley - smiley

Thank you for your kind message and thank you for the smiley - choc and smiley - bubbly.

We've hand one good fall of snow smiley - snowballsmiley - llabwons and I saw a few smiley - snowman in people's front gardens.smiley - biggrin

Have a wonderful weekend.

Katrine smiley - scientistsmiley - geek

The Bar

Post 4359


Hi Katrine,

Greetings from Colombo !!!! smiley - biggrin

Happy Easter smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - choc.

Warm Best Wishes,
DS smiley - smiley

The Bar

Post 4360

Reality Manipulator

Hi DSsmiley - biggrin

I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family.

A very Blessed and Happy Easter.

I've eaten quite a bit of chocolate smiley - chocsmiley - choc and thanks for the smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - choc

smiley - chocsmiley - bunnysmiley - snowdropsmiley - snowdrop

Katrine smiley - zensmiley - geeksmiley - aliensmilesmiley - scientistsmiley - tardissmiley - herosmiley - wizard

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