A Conversation for The Iraq Conflict Discussion Forum

And one for the rest of you

Post 4261


Sounds bad Wraith but...

At the moment The Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders along with two platoons of our Red Cap Military Police are on tour there.

..the plain fact is that the badduns are not wearing uniform.
Just 'cause they're not carrying an obvious firearm does not mean they are non-hostile.

I fully expect the trouble to decrease as time goes on. The Guardian is a biased newspaper. A lot of the terrorists are western educated cultural people..nice enough to bring home.

I think that concept of image and reality is hard for our soldiers to deal with. They are clever folks, determined to indiscriminately murder. That is the reason they are carefully vetted.

It's not done out of malice. It is necessary.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4262

logicus tracticus philosophicus

i dont know wether to unsubscibe or not,my name hasn't been mentioned
maybe noone has bothered to read my "comments" i shal just have to schream and schreeam SCHREAMMM until im sicksmiley - cry

And one for the rest of you

Post 4263

Researcher 538645

logicus could you give me a run down or tell me which post number? It was a long weekend in my region and there's too much backlog.

Oetzi, your post does nothing to counter the article.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4264


I've looked LTP..please advise where.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4265

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

What makes them think they can *get away* with this kind of thing?
Absotively, Wraith...smiley - peacedove

And one for the rest of you

Post 4266

Researcher 538645

The sad thing is that there are so many that will support and excuse ANYTHING as long it's being done by americans.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4267


"What makes them think they can *get away* with this kind of thing?"

Right of Conquest, like so many other things in history.


"It didn't really happen. Look at the source. Reuters is known the world over for it's bias."


"Trust the Government, Oetzi. We'll get on the train. Trust the government. We'll go to a nice holiday camp. They'll give us showers. Trust the government."


"meet the new boss. . ."smiley - musicalnote


smiley - yawn

And one for the rest of you

Post 4268

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<<"It didn't really happen. Look at the source. Reuters is known the world over for it's bias.">>
Actually, I came across a Right Wing website in December which gave Reuters an 'award' for the worlds' most biased news source (which is to smiley - laugh!) The BBC came second. It shows they must both be doing something *right*!

And one for the rest of you

Post 4269

Researcher 538645

smiley - laugh That reminds me of blatherskite rubbishing the BBC bacause FOX said it was too biased.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4270

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Media has inherent bias, all the time. The way around that bias is also biased. There's no such thing as being objective when either making or utilizing the news.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4271

Researcher 538645

Good history and english teachers will spend time showing you how to spot it.

Mine did. One was a yank immigrant too

And one for the rest of you

Post 4272

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)


> Your inability to logically formulate or respond to any arguement or see things in any shades save black and white (a problem you share with the occupant of the White House) along with your continual use of personal attacks is what is driving people from this thread.

I'm going to agree with the Reverend here. He's taken the words out of my mouth. It's impossible to have any sort of discussion here. Whenever you're questioned about your views, you resort to name-calling and denigration of the other contributors of this thread.

> However I've had uncalled-for insults directed at me...

You're rude, childish, petty, and meanspirited.

> and lies told about me.

That isn't an insult. It's just true.

> Hmmm, so neither SargentFlipper nor Ferrettbadger have the confidence to stay around here.
Their inane ranting was proof that the loudest noises are synonymous with empty vessels. Now they slink away, showing how easily defeated they are.

No, they're showing their maturity and strength of character. You're exhibiting how shallow and immature you are. Congratulations. How old are you anyway, twelve?

I'm going to miss Sargeant Flipper and Ferretbadger... They had some interesting things to say, unlike some other members of this thread...

And one for the rest of you

Post 4273

Researcher 538645

Flipper was very good at name calling and using insults. Lentilla, your dislike of empty does not automatically make those he opposed better than they were.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4274

rev. paperboy (god is an iron)

Yes flipper could throw flames with the best of them, but didn't usually do so except in response to provocation. Like being told that all members of the US military are mindless homicidal puppets - and that isn't true ES.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4275


You know folks if I was out in Iraq, in an exposed role, I would not be an angel either. The daily flow of Allied deaths and attacks do not help. These are young soldiers under stress from a hidden foe.

It was the same in '46 and 7 when the Brits policed Israel, before the state was formally formed, and they were sniped at.

I know 'cause he told me. They could not trust anyone.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4276

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Wraith, I'm not giving Flipper or Ferretbadger any bonuses just because they oppose Empty; there are several people on this thread who do. I'm simply registering my dismay that we're losing two voices of opinion, and ones which can actually carry on a debate without resorting to insults.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4277

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Wraith, I'm not giving Flipper or Ferretbadger any bonuses just because they oppose Empty; there are several people on this thread who do. I'm simply registering my dismay that we're losing two voices of opinion, and ones which can actually carry on a debate without resorting to insults.

Whups, let me rephrase that - Flipper was good at name calling and using insults; he didn't fall back on an insult when he couldn't think of anything better to say.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4278

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I am constantly amazed, actually, at the number of students I have who take primary documents at face value. I ask them to tell me what the author's biases are, and they can't see them. I teach medieval history, and I can't get them to see that when the Church is talking about heresy, it isn't some evil "thing" out there, but a construction of the church. They don't understand that heretics don't actually take communion with wafers made from babies' ashes...

I despair some days, I tell you.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4279


Just tell 'em sraight MR. Best advice I ever had was "if you can detect a political bias, you can remove it". That was from a good academic. He was trying to get students to edit out bias in their papers. Hard to do. I suppose that's why you get "the black type" after your name...Ph.d.

And one for the rest of you

Post 4280

badger party tony party green party

All sources are biased and so are we, some people here need to recognise that. The only News paper I will buy is the Observer (sunday edition of the guardian) It is left wing. I mainly watch Newsight a publicly owned corporation run by left leaning academics with staff drawn from the elite of the worlds universities.

You have to recognise that even if you like or identify with those telling you the stories that you have to make allowances for the way they choose to say what they are saying and more importantly what they choose to leave out.

The treatment which Wraith brought to our attention, which Im sure the right wing press and millitary will call security precautions and the left wing will call intimidation or torture of journalists and civilians sounds par for the course of what the UK army did for years in Northern Ireland. Some soldiers were certainly decent in their conduct but the UK army from Prime Ministers down to privates did at times break the rules, abuse human rights and even commit murders.

The security situation is much the same in Iraq now. Different groups attacking civilians, security forces, millitarry personnel and each other. It took over thirty years for the most recent "Troubles" in Northern Irland to abait. We had a car bomb go of in the centre of the city here because of it a few years ago. Those "Troubles" lasted longer than my life has I sincerely hope that now Sadam is out of the picture that the Iraq factions are able to settle their differences so they disarm and the occupying troops are able to withdraw in much a much. shorter time.

smiley - rainbow

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