A Conversation for Blue midget

Aboard the Midget

Post 1


*Kryten sits down on pilot's seat and waits next to RD Comm.*

Aboard the Midget

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Krytie get your butt back on thge bridge now, we need you up there, you are not sacrificing yourself for us, (but thanks for the offer) we need you to do the cleaning, do you think we can stand to be living here with that dirty smegger listrette socks without you washing them????

*heads off back to bridge picking up a bar of smiley - choc on the way from her cabin for breakfast>

Aboard the Midget

Post 3


*heads back to bridge... sigh*

Aboard the Midget

Post 4

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*the midget powers up by remote control*

Aboard the Midget

Post 5

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

*colonel comes aboard and launches* Now I just have to get in range...*steers towards asteroid at top speed*

Aboard the Midget

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Hurry colonel, the Red dwarf has ignited, 10 mins to impact!
oh and could you look for a peice of blue tac somewere in there?

Aboard the Midget

Post 7

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

*stops BM 12km away from asteroid, gets out, loads and targets* 10 Km away *colonel fires*

Aboard the Midget

Post 8

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

*rocket lances away at the asteroid and detonates on the asteroid. the space around the asteroid goes all funny before exploding* Target vaporized Sir. Permisson to come back aboard.

Aboard the Midget

Post 9

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

permission granted, good work, and did you see any blue tac in there, it belongs to me you see

Aboard the Midget

Post 10

Commander Xerxes Thamian Meridian

I'll look sir but I might of accidentaly flushed it out with the air Sir.
*colonel gets back in, and goes back to hanger (looking for blue tac)*

Aboard the Midget

Post 11

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*flies off with Blue midget*

Aboard the Midget

Post 12

Bob (aka Skutter 1) - Back from his hols and ready for SMEG

*Scutter 1 (mod) enters*

*No-one notices*

*Powers up Blue Midget*

*Opens Hangar Bay doors*

*smiley - rocketLaunches Blue Midget and heads smiley - run off to a safe distance until the outcome of the Auto Destruct fiasco has been resolved.*

Aboard the Midget

Post 13


Aboard the Midget

Post 14

Bob (aka Skutter 1) - Back from his hols and ready for SMEG

smiley - blush

smiley - doh Missed a whole page of backlog. smiley - silly

Must have been the after effects of that bl***y Munchkin Song.

Thought we were about to explode so did a smiley - runner. smiley - erm

*Pilots Blue Midget back to Main Hangar. Powers down.*


Aboard the Midget

Post 15


*steps aboard the Midget and sits down in cockpit..

Sees skutter 2 carooming past*

Hey get up here you poor excuse for a dustpan!

*skutter 2 drives through the doorway...*

Good. Now Holly... lock the Midget's door, start up the retros and open hangar doors please


No reason... just... testing Blue midget..

HOLLY: You're running away ain'tcha?

No you stupid bald git... now just open the hangar doors...

HOLLY: Oh that's charming innit? Running out on yer friends...

Holly you're mistaken.

HOLLY: How's that then?

They're not my friends... they're a bunch of idiots...

HOLLY: See perfect company.

Oh hah hah.. just open the doors, holly.. all I want is a little back-up until this uno problemo is sorted out OK? Now open the doors...

HOLLY: Yes Arnold...

*doors open*

Now Holly.. do we have some kind of gravity drive that can magnetise things to the ship?

HOLLY: We've got something like that, yes.

We activate it or something... Now you. *points to Skutter 2*

Put down the landing struts of the Midget and slowly head out of the Hangar doors...

*Midgets staggers towards doors and out into space*

Now move 'round till we're able to get the Midgets to stand on the Dwarf...

*Midget crashes onto the top hull of Red Dwarf*

I hate skutters... now lower the legs..

*legs lower... Blue Midget is now positioned on top of red dwarf at a diagonal slant*

Ticketyboo... Now just to wait until the big slobbering Morph mess is over with...

Err where d'you think you're going? *to skutter slowly exiting cockpit*

*Rimmer points to a copy of Fascist Dictator monthly*

Turn the page.

*skutter turns the page*

Right.. *relaxes against chair* Now go and get some Sonsair from supplies .. *skutter moves off* MUSIC. *Music plays from Comm. 'Reggie Hammond plays Christian Rock Morris Dancer music'*

*Begins to read... takes the glass of sonsair from skutter 2*
*stops and looks out the window at the red metallic surface beneath the Midget.. smile appears on face as pictures listerette being devoured by PolyMorph...*

Aaah... The world loves a B-----d..!

Aboard the Midget

Post 16

Existential Elevator


*looks hurt*

Aboard the Midget

Post 17


Aboard the Midget

Post 18

Existential Elevator



Where is the Blue midget control core so I can get you down from there.....

Aboard the Midget

Post 19


*comm.* On Blue Midget!

Aboard the Midget

Post 20

Existential Elevator

There's absolutely no override<?>

.....we'll soon see about that....

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