A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 25, 2005
this is what happened last time...lol...http://kipax.fotopic.net/p17616092.html
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 26, 2005
are you lot trying to say i`m old..them photos where took in the last few months at FC United vrs Leigh RMI ..the guy in the picture usually stand about 10ft away from where me and the lads usually stand at the home games.(Gigg Lane, Main Stand)...so we do know him..lol
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 26, 2005
I guess you DID when you were young. lol
Did you?
But I saw similar scene on the football game in the UK/Eruope
Do they like to run through the ground naked?
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 26, 2005
it is called STREAKING i think it origionated in America..i like when women streak they usually end up with two balck eyes...lol ..mmmmmmmm
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 27, 2005
Wo I do I
Typical Japanese...
Black (not sure but realy blake) hair and Black (borwnishi) eyes
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Nov 4, 2005
Oh, Jackie, you're there hahahahahaha
if we don't pop into here, this will be absolutely ghost tea room.
Oh dear.
I don't want to do that.
This is a cool plcae.
Shall we have another cup of tea and cakes? lol
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Aug 8, 2006
This room does have a it is the Founder of the room who comes back evry now and again for a
and a
and catch up on the news, read a
and listen to some
on the juke-box he even leaves
for his food and drink...
whoooooooo spooky
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Aug 22, 2006
Thats just what I thought too Helen ??? (Hope your keeping well xxx)
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Aug 22, 2006
hi jackie..
im fine thanks and you?
im afraid that the closest ive managed to get to blackpool is llandudno
so i wont be seeing you just yet
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Aug 24, 2006
Well,when your in the area,I'll be here Helen.Just good to talk to you.Time passes,life gets in the way sometimes,I'm not here in h2 as much as I'd like to be.I'll keep intouch.Take care Love Pinky xxx
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Aug 24, 2006
hi jackie
im not here as much either as its the school holidays and i cant get online too much...
still, its not much longer till the kiddiwinks go back and grumpy has to drive their school bus again
then i can party...
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Aug 25, 2006
Hahahahhahhahha just let me know OK ? I'll be here to party with you Helen.See you soon Love Pinky xxx
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Sep 14, 2006
OHHH Dandyman
How are you doing
Hiya Jackie, Helen
Spooky spooky Taamnyu
I'm still hibernating
See you soon.
Have a Lovely Weekend
Key: Complain about this post
ld tea bar
- 1581: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 25, 2005)
- 1582: serenity (Oct 25, 2005)
- 1583: Sakaijenne (Oct 25, 2005)
- 1584: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 26, 2005)
- 1585: Sakaijenne (Oct 26, 2005)
- 1586: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 26, 2005)
- 1587: serenity (Oct 26, 2005)
- 1588: Sakaijenne (Oct 27, 2005)
- 1589: Sakaijenne (Nov 4, 2005)
- 1590: Pinky (Nov 4, 2005)
- 1591: Sakaijenne (Nov 4, 2005)
- 1592: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Aug 8, 2006)
- 1593: serenity (Aug 21, 2006)
- 1594: Pinky (Aug 22, 2006)
- 1595: serenity (Aug 22, 2006)
- 1596: Pinky (Aug 24, 2006)
- 1597: serenity (Aug 24, 2006)
- 1598: Pinky (Aug 25, 2006)
- 1599: Sakaijenne (Sep 14, 2006)
- 1600: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Apr 2, 2007)
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