A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'
ld tea bar
THIS PAGE NO LONGER IN USE Started conversation Apr 6, 2003
hi all
brill is this our cosy little corner is coming with us because he seems preoccupied at the moment with streaking and god knows what else the mind boggles no it doesny i'm jealous
i hope i dont get loast again jinty
ld tea bar
Loup Dargent Posted Apr 6, 2003
hi jinty...
glad you like it...
still have to wear hard hats for a while but it should be finished soon...
i will come back soon to taste your well known cakes...
talk soon..
ld tea bar
hi all breakfast will be served ay 7am if your not up and it gets cold ---tough-
you'll need to get up earlier
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
evenin all.
hi loups
its brill!!!!!
now all we need is a welcoming message.
i didnt say much before but im a qualified chef. i can make cakes as well and im sure that between us, we can come up with enough to keep marc
quiet for a while
ld tea bar
hi helen
if you want to keep marc quiet try streaking he seems to be enjoying it with em i think it was em if it wasnt you
i'll be very grateful for a hand with the food as there seems to be more joining us and we cant afford outside caterers
i think the page will be great when its finished so hurry up and write the welcome message
c u tomorrow in the kitchen
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
hi jinty
why me?. i dont know what to say, but im sure i can come up with something..
im not sure about it being called a tea bar, though. they might expect alcoholic drinks and we havent got a licence.
i reckon that it could be called
the oLDe tea shop
if i was to think of a welcome message, what to i do next?. where do i post it?.
ld tea bar
h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users) Posted Apr 6, 2003
serenity... post the welcoming message to the thread called "POINTER" [on the LDers list page] and we will take it from there... no problem...
back soon...
gone to change the name...
ld tea bar
LittleDarlin Posted Apr 6, 2003
well hello jinty, helen n loup
i think this is a gr8 idea!!
i can lend a hand with the cooking,(but i'd b much more use to u welcoming the visitors n shopping for ingredients etc!!)lol
just a suggestion!!
just one Q? how did this end up on my page as an entry???
not that i'm complaining, i just think it's clever that's all!!
this sites sti;; to me!!
ld tea bar
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 6, 2003
Hi all i got my hard hat on..and i wasn`t the one who started the streaking that was EM she through one of my chats and flashed her s at us....anyway we can`t serve any meals in here untill after helen has done the oficial opening so when will that be Helen??
ld tea bar
LittleDarlin Posted Apr 6, 2003
i'm not trying to b picky here
(like i'd have to try!!) lol
but if it's olde shudn't it b shoppe?? n ye olde tea shoppe??
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
hi marc and trish
ive done the welcome message, its up to loups now..
i agree it should be shoppe..
i used olde, as it had LD in the middle.
so trish, what are you like with the washing up?. you cant just meet and greet, thats too easy..lol.
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
does this mean that i have to wear my bit posh hat and give a speech.. and the cut the ribbon???
ld tea bar
LittleDarlin Posted Apr 6, 2003
oh yeah!! thought it was too good to b true!!(worth a try tho huh?)
yep, got a degree in washer uperrin so i know my way round a sink!!
PS i replied to u in loups n i like the intro!!
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
im getting seasick from all this going backwards and forwards to each thread..
i did see you message. and thanks for the compliment.
ld tea bar
LittleDarlin Posted Apr 6, 2003
le puff ...le pant....
yep i know wot u mean!!
i was 7' wen i came on here 2night, i'm only 5' now, worn meself out running around!!
(n i've STILL gotta make it to loups space n have a dander!!)
n btw ur welcome
ld tea bar
SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 Posted Apr 6, 2003
So when is the official opening Helen??
Trish your name was on here cos when i sent loup all the names yours was one of them who had been on the origional thread..
Jinty what did you say my job was ?? Cleaner i don`t mind..
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
there isnt much there at the moment.. just a picture of tea and cakes..
im off to bed now, i need my beauty sleep.
all this creating tea shops is quite tiring
goodnight sweet dreams.
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Apr 6, 2003
it depends on the builders(loups and manda).
as soon as we get the green light, we are open for business.
im off to bed now..
im gonna dream about our little empire.. today a tea shop, tomorrow the world!!!!
Key: Complain about this post
ld tea bar
- 1: THIS PAGE NO LONGER IN USE (Apr 6, 2003)
- 2: Loup Dargent (Apr 6, 2003)
- 3: kow (Apr 6, 2003)
- 4: THIS PAGE NO LONGER IN USE (Apr 6, 2003)
- 5: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 6: THIS PAGE NO LONGER IN USE (Apr 6, 2003)
- 7: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 8: h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users) (Apr 6, 2003)
- 9: LittleDarlin (Apr 6, 2003)
- 10: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Apr 6, 2003)
- 11: LittleDarlin (Apr 6, 2003)
- 12: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 13: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 14: LittleDarlin (Apr 6, 2003)
- 15: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 16: LittleDarlin (Apr 6, 2003)
- 17: SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006 (Apr 6, 2003)
- 18: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 19: serenity (Apr 6, 2003)
- 20: LittleDarlin (Apr 6, 2003)
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