A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 8, 2005
Hi Taeko,just you and me for tea then ! One lovely printed cup for you,and one for me xxxx
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 8, 2005
Hiya Jakcie.
Yup would you like Cream tea?
I DO haahahahhaha
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 9, 2005
I'd love a cream tea thankyou Taeko,with clotted cream YUM YUM xxx
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 9, 2005
We definately have to go to Devenshire to have REAL CREAM TEA lol.
or if you can get clotted cream, then I'll dash into your house!
Shall we bring some Japanese sweets and tea, too?
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 9, 2005
Hiya, Helen
As you can see, our aim is to invade and cnquer those threads!
hahahahahhaha joking.
You should join us, INDEED!!
How are you?
It's early in the morning here. Getting cold in the morning and at night here
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 10, 2005
It's a new take-over bid we're trying to pull off Helen !! Tea RULES !!! Taeko,you go that way >>>>>>>> I'll go this way<<<<<<<<<< Just incase we've missed any OK ? hahahahahhaha Love Pinky xxxx
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 10, 2005
Ah yes.
I understand.
We won't miss, though I think lol
so, tea time now
Cream tea for 3. Jackie, Helen and me.
with a lovely neverending chat.
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 11, 2005
Good idea Taeko,then I must go and make sure we've got every single tea room on the site OK ? xxxxx
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Oct 11, 2005
if you are trying a takeover.....
i hope you have enough scones, jam and cream for everyone.. get baking
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 11, 2005
Helen, please bring them for our "Mad Tea Party"
you need loads of stuff becasue we don't know when our chat will finish!
I'll see and bring something Japanese sweet. Of course presarved ones hahahahaha otherwise all of us will have serious stomochache.
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 11, 2005
Sorry, Helen,
I mis-read your message
My brain gets tired after fighting with 7 vivid children (teach English(2 classes))
Anyway, we can have a lovely tea time lol.
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Oct 11, 2005
its ok.. i understand your problem.
i have one very vivid grandaughter.
she is nearly 3 and has the brain of a 30 year old..
she knows too much and never forgets anything and is too clever for her own good
she has me in stitches with her humour and ability to tell me what she wants.
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 11, 2005
OI who has nicked my cup with FC united rule on it??? just for that you can refil it and i`ll have a nice and a
to go with it...
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Oct 11, 2005
so its your mug eh?
ive got it soaking in bleach.. it was such a mess that you couldnt see the words on it
come back when its clean
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 11, 2005
Oh now Helen,
as you can see, it's pretty clean bar,
Marc, we keep your MC united mug on the cupboard
Well, well,
Our tea party is starting.....
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 11, 2005
I could always use my other cup..either `Worlds Sexiest Man` or `Englands First Independant Moon Astronut` or `My other cup is a bucket`...so either of them cups will do for me..
Key: Complain about this post
ld tea bar
- 1541: Sakaijenne (Oct 7, 2005)
- 1542: Pinky (Oct 8, 2005)
- 1543: Sakaijenne (Oct 8, 2005)
- 1544: Pinky (Oct 9, 2005)
- 1545: Sakaijenne (Oct 9, 2005)
- 1546: serenity (Oct 9, 2005)
- 1547: Sakaijenne (Oct 9, 2005)
- 1548: Pinky (Oct 10, 2005)
- 1549: Sakaijenne (Oct 10, 2005)
- 1550: Pinky (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1551: serenity (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1552: Sakaijenne (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1553: Sakaijenne (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1554: serenity (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1555: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1556: serenity (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1557: Sakaijenne (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1558: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1559: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 11, 2005)
- 1560: Sakaijenne (Oct 11, 2005)
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