Yes it is Marc!
How are you doing .
just got a fresh box had trouble with old one so now i can`t get into the origional Dandy Highwayman site (which i changed to Pop Pickers Puzzler)I decided i wanted to be dandy again hence the new just a quick hello for now then over the next couple of weeks i will add bits to the site using the guide ML and make it look like my old site used to.. I`m hoping i can still get into My other username of " ( U555555)Prince Of Valhalla" so keep watching this space for fun and games. BTW now available on PC so if you want to email me (marcfeld) i am at the hot place in the co dot united kingdom .....i know i can`t post email addresses on here can i?

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oi | Jan 14, 2010 |
..... Taacha | May 8, 2007 |
[no subject] | Nov 30, 2005 |
Dear | Nov 3, 2005 |
hiya! again | Sep 29, 2005 |
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>)
Researcher U1672924
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