A Conversation for 'ye oLDe tea shoppe'
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 12, 2005
Helen, it seems that he won't be satisfied with us. He wants lot more and more women to be besides him no no no, he isn't such kind of perosn, is he?
Yeah, Jackie will definately cathch you, Marc, otherwise we can't finish making our shelter!
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Oct 12, 2005
marc is a typical man.. he likes to have lots of women chasing after him.. its a pity i cant run
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 12, 2005
Oh it's pity of you not chasing him
But your luckier than me, because you live in the UK anyway.
It's tooooooooooooo far away. I can't chase him from here because I can't swim
But when I'll visit there, I'll chase him!!
Do you think he'll be happy to be chased by me?
Looking forward to our tea party without patient
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 14, 2005
Heavens above,a party ? And you started without me ? Oh dear,now thats sad.I could have made a few sandwiches,boiled a couple of eggs,dressed a salad even !! If only I'd know !! Nevermind,I can always just join in the fun hahahahahhaha Ooopppsey,now who put this pure white cup on the cupboard ? I've broken it ! Hope it wasn't valuable or anything.Lord above I'd KILL myself if I thought for one second it was a bleached Man Utd cup or anything !! Seeing how it's just about the only cup they're going to get this season anyway !!! Hi Marc,what does it say on your mug ??? Worlds Exiest Man !!! Mmmmmmmmmm Interesting !!! hahahahhahaha Catch me if you can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 14, 2005
We can't start party without YOU!
Why we can enjoy our mad tea party without piky. You know.
Attention, if you arouse Marc too much, he'd jump into BLACKPOOL and try to find your shop! hahahahahahahha, I'm sure he will.
But 3 mugs for our cupboard are too much, Marc, please choose one your favourite. Thank you for your help
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 14, 2005
think i will have to throw out the Blackpool Mechanics cup (seing as how FC United beat them 4-2) and put my FC united cup in it`s place..Pinky i am going to come to Blacpool just to see if your as bubbly in real life as you are on line..unless you want to send me a photo instead...I`ll email you my address if you like..
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 14, 2005
By the way i need to email you anyway need to ask you something..
ld tea bar
Pinky Posted Oct 16, 2005
Well mail me then Marc ,you know I'll help you if I can xIncidentley,my middle name is Bubbles hahahahahhahaha Catch you soon xxx Hi Taeko,please ignore any remarks from Marc about football results.I don't support Blackpool or Mechanics,it is my misfortune to support my home town !! I can't discuss it or I'll cry OK ? hahahahahhaha See you soon Love Jackie xxx
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 16, 2005
Jackie BUBBLES... PINKY HAHAHAHAHA bubbly name, Pinky.
Oh yes, I ignore the football fighting lol.
It's really terrible. Hooligans!!! Hope Marc isn't HOOLIGANS
Chat soon Pinky,
ld tea bar
serenity Posted Oct 17, 2005
mornin all..
blackpool was brilliant
i saw the osmond brothers in the show at the grand theatre and chubby brown walked past me on his way to the north pier to do his show..
he looks nothing in real life
ld tea bar
Sakaijenne Posted Oct 17, 2005
Hello Helen,
Sounds very cool you had this weekend
It's been raining here and getting colder and colder and I can't stop sneezing because of allergy for chilly/cold air. ACHOOOOOOOO.
ld tea bar
THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) Posted Oct 25, 2005
>>>>>> hahahaha catch me if you can but be careful what you grab...lol OOOOOOOOPS sorry i thought i was at football match again...
Key: Complain about this post
ld tea bar
- 1561: serenity (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1562: Sakaijenne (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1563: serenity (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1564: Sakaijenne (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1565: serenity (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1566: Sakaijenne (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1567: serenity (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1568: Sakaijenne (Oct 12, 2005)
- 1569: Pinky (Oct 14, 2005)
- 1570: Sakaijenne (Oct 14, 2005)
- 1571: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 14, 2005)
- 1572: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 14, 2005)
- 1573: Sakaijenne (Oct 14, 2005)
- 1574: Pinky (Oct 16, 2005)
- 1575: Sakaijenne (Oct 16, 2005)
- 1576: serenity (Oct 17, 2005)
- 1577: Sakaijenne (Oct 17, 2005)
- 1578: Sakaijenne (Oct 21, 2005)
- 1579: serenity (Oct 21, 2005)
- 1580: THE DANDY HIGHWAYMAN (resident tea shoppe <ghost>) (Oct 25, 2005)
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