A Conversation for Glastonbury Festival Meetup
Glastonbury comedown
BobTheFarmer Posted Jul 2, 2003
'I sell the sh*ttest drugs in Glastonbury, I've put the price up £2'
Its amazing, people must be *really* f*ckered...
Glastonbury comedown
arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work! Posted Jul 4, 2003
PQ, we used about 90% of the food!! including the carrots! ben made a veggie curry with most of the veg. missed the wheelie bins, they sound great! is a shame about sunday nite, would have been nice to have seen you again. does anyone know why there was a greenwich uni stant there? andrew reckons that the only way they can get people to sign up is to first get them stoned!
Glastonbury comedown
BobTheFarmer Posted Jul 4, 2003
nutters with your food. Me and Ed brought about 20-odd pot noodles and a few multipacks of crisps... What more do you need?
Glastonbury comedown
PQ Posted Jul 4, 2003
I brought 2 cans of red bull...no food. Stuffed my face and came back home with 1/3 of my money
Don't know why there was a geenwich uni stand...I have a feeling that they were there last time (I remember seeing the post cards) so it could be a regular thing.
There wasn't anyone at their stand - they just had a board with a load of quotes and a space to tick next to your favourite...saw a couple of people with bags too. Don't think they were actively recruiting just trying to raise their profile a bit, steal some credibility from the greenfields and get a free ticket into the festival - sounds like a plan for next yr but I doubt our VC would approve - far too common for him (elitist snob
I missed a big away day thingy (were the new structure for my dept was announced) and apparantly my new big boss asked after me personally and seemed quite impressed that I'd rather be sat in a field...I'm now famous throughout the dept which is kindof worrying cos noone had a clue what I did before
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Glastonbury comedown
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