A Conversation for BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Peer Review: A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 1


Entry: BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity - A1010494
Author: xero - U222312

This entry concerns BARF, a local fraternity that started up in my home town when I was in the 7th grade. They are an interesting bunch, and though I believe their membership to be restricted to southern California and Nebraska (the USA anyway), these things have a way of growing and Hikers should learn as much as possible about them.

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 2

Gordon, Ringer of Bells, Keeper of Postal Codes and Maps No One Can Re-fold Properly

I must confess that I'm not sure this is suitable material for the Edited Guide. I've searched the Internet and can find no references to this fraternity in the major search engines. It doesn't sound like it has risen "from obscurity". smiley - erm

smiley - teasmiley - towel

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 3


Yeah, I suppose they are still pretty obscure, changing that. It's funny because I know at least one of them is really good with computers. So I keep looking on the net for him to put up page, and all I can ever find is some group for animals or the Bay Area Reading Fans.

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

If this is for real, then there's certainly a place for it in the Guide, and I think it would be one of those 'odd' little entries which help to keep the EG in the spirit of what DNA was looking for - a little bit out there where the birds turn round smiley - winkeye

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 5


They are most assuredly 'for real'; and the most interesting group I've encountered. As I said, BARF began while I was in middle school, 6-8th grade(ages 11-13). In general they seem to be a social organization, but they would get together and hold 'secret' meetings, while looking furtively over their shoulders.

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 6


Don't mind me, I'm just trawling the bottom end of PR.

Any more for any more?


A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 7


I agree with Gosho about a place for weird entries out there with twittering birds, but we feel that there needs to be a bit more factual bone to this Frat entry. A bit more about the school or college or membership or initiation or frat stuff in general wouldn't go amiss. It's close, but it's TOO out there - too much like stumbling on to a sentence halfway through. Even those twittering birds want to see this entry grounded more. smiley - smiley

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 8

Number Six

I know what you mean, Sam - I thought I'd put it up for inspection and see how it went. Given that it's not going to be accepted in its current form, and the author's not posted for four weeks, might a move to the <./>FleaMarket> or back to entry be in order?

smiley - mod

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 9


Yeah, it's a close call this one. It could go either way. Let's see, why don't we wait for a bit longer, say, two or three more weeks, and then if the author doesn't show, we might consider a FM move. Thanks for your help. smiley - smiley

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 10


If the author should care to check in: I was confused by one small bit of your intensively researched entry. When you added the bullet-point:

If you see a group of what you think to be good friends happen to pass another of their friends in the hall; then suddenly surround him and proceed to punch him about the abdomen until such a time as he is able to extricate himself from the "Circle of Death", then go along on their way as if nothing had occured.

Are the BARF members more likely to be the 'Circle of Death', or the victim?

Are their any web sites devoted to BARF membership? (From the previous notes, I expect not)

smiley - towel

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 11


Well it's 5 weeks later and the author hasn't shown up. So shall we move it to the Flea Market?

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 12

Number Six

smiley - ok

smiley - mod

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 13


Thank you smiley - smiley

E-mail on its way to Scouts group.

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 14


Thanks for the interest in my entry everyone! I've been on the Juneau Icefield for the last couple of months (entry in progress on that), but now I'm back and would like to amend this entry with your input (Sam, GreyDesk, NumberSix).
In response to your question FordsTowel; The Circle of Death was strictly limited to BARF members. It was never employed on outsiders, while not limited to initiation rites (as it was an on going activity over the years), it is the only rite that I know of relating to the initiation process.

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 15

Number Six

No problem, xero! As you'd been away from h2g2 for quite a time, we moved it to the Flea Market to keep PeerReview tidy... all you need to do is go over to the Flea Market, find your entry in there and click on the 'x' next to it to take it out of the Flea Market.

Then have a re-edit, and re-submit it to Peer Review when it's ready. smiley - cheers

Best of luck!

smiley - mod

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 16


xero, Thanks for responding. Somehow I missed the note clarifying the Circle of Death.

Should this make EG (and I hope it does), perhaps you could graphically represent the BARF logo for potential use with the entry?

I've imagined it looks a bit like this.

. . . . HHHHHHH . . . . . . . . .HHHHHHHHHHHH
. . HH. . . . HHHH. . . . . . . . HH. . . . HH. . . .
. HH. . . . . HH. HH. . . . . . . HH. . . . . HH. . .
. HH. . . . . HH. . HH. . . . . . HH. . . . . HH. . .
. . . HH. . . HH. . . HH. . . . . HH. . . . HH. . . .
HH. . . . . . HH. . . . . HH. . . HH. . . . HH. . . .
HH. . . . . . HH. . . . . . HH. . HH. . . . . HH. . .
. HH. . . . . HH. . . . . . . HH. HH. . . . . . HH. .
. . .HHHHHHH . . . . . . . . HHHH. . . . . . . HH.

smiley - towel

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 17


That's awesome FordsTowel! You are very close, the vertical stem of the F is shared by the B and the left of the A, and the lower horizontal stem of the F is shared by that of the A. The horizontal stems to not extend beyond the bow of the R.

h h h h I would like to see your technique used to make
h h h h the logo, not drawn as well as yours, here. If the
hhhhhhhhhh entry does make EG, I'd love to use your rendering.
h h h smiley - cheers
h h h
hhhhh h

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 18


Well that didn't work, let's try that again....

h h h h
h h h h
h h h
h h h
hhhhh h

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 19


Arrghhghgh!!! I think I know now, need the ......'s


Phew, "preview message" is a good thing. smiley - cheers

A1010494 - BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

Post 20


LOL, Yes indeed, I made massive use of Preview myself.

. . HH. . . . HHHH. . . . HH. . . .
. HH. . . . . HH. HH. . . . HH. . .
. HH. . . . . HH. . HH. . . HH. . .
. . . HH. . . HH. . . HH. HH. . . .
HH. . . . . . HH. . . . . HH . . . . .
HH. . . . . . HH. . . . . . HH . . . .
. HH. . . . . HH. . . . . . . HH . . .
. . .HHHHHHH . . . . . . . . . HH .

If this is about right, feel free to use it in your entry.

I think this was try number eleven.
(make that twelve, I just cleaned up the trailing ...'s!!)

smiley - towel

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