BARF: The Beetle and Roach Fraternity

3 Conversations


The Beetle and Roach Fraternity (BARF) is a brotherhood dedicated to the ideals and principles of dementia, existentialism and general wierdness. In addition to these fundamental building blocks, BARF places beetles, and especially roaches, in the uppermost echelon of divine creation "[recognizing] these miraculous creatures as the stunning examples of grace and beauty that they are". Members claim to follow the commands of King Roacha and Queen Beetalia, who's decrees are communicated to the masses through the High Officials.

BARF was founded in mid 1993, in the sleepy burb of Murrieta, California, USA, and began to recruit members into The Hive with an initial force of four members. In the coming years these four would fracture, moving to different parts of the country, and the Word of BARF went with them. What this Word entails is not clearly known, as no official creed or mission statement is known to exist. One may assume that it is very closely related to the basic building blocks mentioned above. Part obscure religion, part rowdy fraternity; what BARF lacks in specific goals it compensates for with zeal and unfaltering belief in whatever it is they believe in.

Identifying members of BARF
Members of BARF can be difficult to spot, they typically dress no differently than the average citizen. However here are some clues:
  • If he carries an eraser, such as a large Pinky, which is engraved with the BARF logo; a sign of the connected letters BARF, with a backwards B, the left side of the A being the right side of the B. The R and F combined to form a single letter, the line below the bow of the R being the bottom of the right side of the A and the bottom of the bow of the R/F being the cross in the A.


  • If he caries any article of clothing with the BARF Seal of Approval on it. A seal on a platform balancing a ball on it's nose.
  • If he speaks highly, perhaps incessantly, of beetles and especialy roaches, becoming offended (though typically not violent) were one to speak badly of them.
  • If he leaves small pieces of food, and occasionally puddles of soda, in corners that might be frequented by roaches or beetles.
  • If he shudders and becomes irritable during Raid commercials.
  • If he ever utters the phrase "Prescibing your pleasure from dusk till dawn, the Rock 'n Roll Doctor is always on", in a radio- jingle sing-song voice.
  • If you notice he takes bizarre pleasure in incessantly annoying those in positions of authority.
  • If you see a group of what you think to be good friends happen to pass another of their friends in the hall; then suddenly surround him and proceed to punch him about the abdomen until such a time as he is able to extricate himself from the "Circle of Death", then go along on their way as if nothing had occured.
Getting Along with BARF

Once identified a BARF member will readily admit what he is. Indeed it will not require much prompting to get him talking about his particular beliefs regarding BARF, and it's mission. These can vary quite dramatically. BARF members are generally quite amiable and, while animated, are typically benign. To mantain a comfortable dialog with a member is generally simple, refrain form insulting beetles and roaches, and try to ignore outbursts of song, or nonsensical statements about existential blues. Join in if you happen to know the song, he will appreciate your attempt to fit in.
Do not question him about Project Big Whoop.

These facts were gathered through converse with only a few BARF members and should in no way be considered a comprehensive guide to individual behaviours and idiosyncrasies. Should you encounter a member of BARF, and feel you have something to contribute to the general understanding of this organization, please do so.

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