A Conversation for The Caesarean Section

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Post 1

ghia return of >>

as i have had a c section, my epidural numbed only my lower half my_ arms were fine... i have 5 inch scar . also i was up the next day, i had no 'rest' i pushed the pram and had no problems.
the op started 1206 and the baby was born 1210 it took 35 mins to stitch up.


Post 2


Just to balance things...
I had an emergency caesarean under G.A.
I haemorrhaged and needed a six pint blood transfusion.
I was unconsious for 24hrs.
I had a secondary haemorrhage at home.
I suffered postnatal depression for a year.
6yrs later I had surgery to divide adhesions which tethered my bowel to my scar, making lovemaking painful.
9yrs later I still have problems bonding with my child.
Caesarean is not the easy option! It is a major surgery which should be reserved for serious problems.

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