A Conversation for Everton Football Club


Post 1


enjoy ur sucess with moyes while you can, cos he is only using you as a stepping stone,just like he did with us at preston,
when a better offer comes along, he will leave you just like he did with preston..he his a good manager,& we at preston, thank him for what he did for us, but it would have been better for us if he had delayed his move, but we wish him all the very best,for the future,.. & think of what could have been if he had stayed a little bit longer.


Post 2


I would have liked to have seen Preston in the Premiership. As an Evertonian I am obviously delighted with the way things are going with David Moyes in charge, I think he probably would have taken Preston to the other level, but now he is with Everton I don't think he'll be happy until he has won the championship with us. Maybe then he'll move on, but I think he'll want to win a lot with us before then.

I truely hope that we see you in the Premiership in the near future. smiley - ok Good Luck next season.smiley - smiley

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