A Conversation for Everton Football Club

Happy Days Here Again?

Post 1

Buzz Lightyear: Getting Ever Warmer

smiley - magic Fantastic entry! Very informative & interesting!! smiley - cheers
I'm assuming y'all are Everton fans (well, someone's got to! smiley - winkeye ), but I've heard the Everton fans are feeling rather buoyant & optimistic at the moment with the team under David Moyes (+ currently being above Liverpool in the League table! smiley - cry ). Is the mood one of optimism @ Goodison? I s'pose you have good reason to be, apart from that third round Cup exit to Shrewsbury Town...oops smiley - blush
Just another query: is the proposed ground move still on? I've heard conflicting reports, that's all!

P.S. I don't mean to dig too harshly @ Everton. I'm really quite fond of the Toffees (it's just my ardour for the Reds @ Anfield shining through! smiley - winkeye - smiley - huh I'm fond of the Blues & Reds on Merseyside! How smiley - weird am I?!!)

Anyway, thanks for the entry! smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

Happy Days Here Again?

Post 2


speaking as a contributor (I think I wrote neville Southall, Howard Kendall and the records) I can confirm that, with the exceptin of our subeditor Master B we are all Everton fans, and I for one am going to the match tomorrow.

The atmosphere amongst us toffees is on of optomism, which has been tempered by the recent winless streak, although at least we aren't losing many.

So, Liverpool fan are you?

Happy Days Here Again?

Post 3

Mu Beta

"with the exceptin of our subeditor Master B we are all Everton fans"

So, I'm _your_ Sub-editor now, am I? smiley - biggrin Better give back all that other stuff I'm doing. smiley - smiley

I'm an Everton fan in passing, because:

a) They never buy up any Scunthorpe United players, giving our board more money to fritter away on commercial deals.

b) We nearly beat them in the Worthington Cup a few years back, and they were very nice about it.

c) They gave fame to Peter Beagrie.

d) Rooney


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