Bluebottle's Ballot Bin Blog

2 Conversations

The Ballot Bin

Britain is known to be a nation of street furniture lovers. Though our fire hydrants are subterranean, our iconic phone boxes are classed as listed historic buildings and our post boxes are often given knitted tops or painted in order to celebrate sporting success.

Yet there is one item of street furniture that remains unloved – the dustbin. At least until now. For Southampton has been one of the first places in Britain to trial the Ballot Bin, where you can have your say on the divisive issues of the day simply by placing rubbish in the side of your choice. Every four weeks the question changes. And while Barbie had initially shot off to an almost 100-point lead, Oppenheimer has miraculously clawed its way back to parity, proving it is all still to play for. Or that both films are equally rubbish...

Ballot Bin showing Oppenheimer and Barbie running neck-and-neck
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