The h2g2 Post: 16.09.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 16th September 2019

The Walnuts of Damocles

Walnuts waiting to fall on the Editor's head See those? Those are black walnuts. They cluster in profusion in the two tall trees that hang over the Post Office backyard. They are lurking, is what they're doing. They're waiting for October. Then they will pounce. It's a walnut blitz out there in autumn. Fred the melanistic grey squirrel will be happy when western Pennsylvania becomes a hardhat area for humans.

There's lots to see in our world, isn't there? We just have to look around. (Or up.) Our contributors have been doing just that, and putting their skills and imaginations to work, and you can reap the benefit. True, some of the insights (and punchlines) may hit you like a walnut on the head, but that's not a bad thing. Let me tell you a bit about the mustn't-miss highlights.
A dinosaur by BluebottleFirst of all, we have natural (and unnatural-natural) wonders. Willem has a buzzard to go with last week's eagles. Tavaron demonstrates that you don't have to be a millionaire to have beauty in your garden. SashaQ invites you to tell us why that sheep is so happy. Your Editor has discovered some surreal cows and taken them for a spin in a video I call Une vache andalouse. This is the good Stuff, folks. Appreciate.
Next, we have Fiction with a capital F. Paigetheoracle continues his exploration of the mind in 'Just Another Groundhog Day'. Paulh introduces us to 'The Artificial Stupidity Society' (Robbie Stamp take note). My tale, 'A Deal's a Deal', was inspired by watching a particularly weird movie in which Robert de Niro portrayed the Prince of Darkness. I decided I could do better than that scriptwriter. Let me know what you think.
Then, there is photographic splendour: black-and-white elevates the subject, so you can't make fun of the kitty pic, the sheep, or the garden gnome. It's art, you people. So is that stunning Liverpool sky and the photoshopped nebula and the fiction illustrations and…enjoy.
We also have signs! You know how much we love them. Find out what they say, where they are. Also in the 'Also Have' category: comics. Cartoons. Another top-notch cinema review by Awix. The lord-knows-how-manyeth piece of unwanted writing advice. Two guest quizzes for you to puzzle over.

Whatever your taste, we've got you covered. Except for zombies. No zombies this week. Don't despair, I'm sure we'll have some soon. In the meantime, get out and enjoy exploring your part of the planet. Stay safe! Wear hardhats, carry umbrellas, or put on your wellies where appropriate. Happy spring, Willem! Have a great week, all of you.

Quote of the Week:  What a wee little part of a person's life are his acts and his words! His real life is led in his head, and is known to none but himself.

Mark Twain

Create September 2019 by Freewayriding
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