'Tis the Season 'Tis the season. There's schlocky music everywhere, interspersed with 'Fairytale of New York' and the earworms of Don Caron. Fortunately, you also have your personal copy of this year's An h2g2 Christmas, so you can drown out whatever kind of music you don't personally happen to like. When you're tired of shopping, settle in with a warm beverage, the holiday comestible of your choice and the h2g2 Post, and let the snow fall gently outside. Don't even think about that shovel waiting by the door.
We have lots of goodies for you this week. You're guaranteed to find some of your favourites in here.

- Willem wows us once again, this time with the white-tailed mongoose. We didn't know mongooses….er, geese, er….had white tails. It's lovely. Read and learn.
- Yes, readers, Desideria the Demoness is a Thing. It's an ongoing comic series, and it's by Willem, so unlike all these other cartoons, it's actually drawn by a genuine artist, and it's good. So stay tuned, and read Page 2 in this issue.
- We have astounding photography from all over. From breathtaking landscapes to those 'aww' moments to the quiet chuckle or outright guffaw, our photographers can really bring it. In fact, they're so good at this that we've included them in the Post Quiz this week. Just to see if you've been paying attention.
- SashaQ shows you how it's done: first, a still photo. Then, a video of the same event. Watch and learn.
- Speaking of videos: we've got 'em! Funny animals. Animated stuff. Wildlife. Music. Book some downtime for chillin' with the Postflix.
 - Awix is back to tell us what's on at the cinema. After being threatened with 'family-friendly' stuff, our intrepid reviewer finally got to see what he came for: a hair-raising film that fits right along with this month's spy theme. See what he thought of it.
- Paigetheoracle continues a story, while Minorvogonpoet shares a poem.
- Remember: December is spy-encounter month. In its honour, we bring you a CIA book review, freshly declassified. Minorvogonpoet remembers her counterintelligence training, while Prof Animal Chaos tells us how he almost got arrested as a terrorist for being bionic. It's all going according to our evil plan to get you all to confess your schemes for world domination.
As you can tell, there's a lot to unpack here. So start unpacking, already. You're going to want to read/watch/study/listen, leave comments, and share on your social media. Also: send more spy stories! Also send seasonal Stuff: recipes, songs, tales, photos, art, whatever you can spare. There's a lot more December to come.
Wrap up warm out there (except for Willem, has it started raining yet?), and have a great week!
Brag of the Week: Our Willem gets around. His painting of Elasmotherium was used by permission in the journal Nature. The BBC picked up the story. The work we do here has an impact.
Dmitri Gheorgheni