A CIA Book Review
Created | Updated Dec 9, 2018
A CIA Book Review

18 April 1962
SUBJECT: School for Spies
1. Attached herewith is a copy of School for Spies by J. Bernard Hutton1.
2. Hutton has written two earlier books, Frogman Extraordinary, which purports to be the "inside story" of the British frogman Lionel Crabb; and Danger From Moscow. The latter is based on the device of a "secret instruction". Both of these books are classical mixtures of fabrication and previously published facts. A review of these books in Studies In Intelligence (Vol. 5, No, 3, Summer 1961, at page A35) points out that they may be "a pecuniary speculation by an exile fabrication mill, or they may be something more sophisticated, a product of Moscow's cold warriors; a case can be made for either view."
Approved For Release 2009/01/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0031001 10004-4
4. Specialists in SR Division have read the book and consider it to be largely spurious. It does not comport with CIA information on RIS training, and it is their opinion that the book should be labeled "fiction". There may be some truth in the knowledge that Hutton gained before World War II in his Moscow schooling, but by and large no credence whatsoever should be placed in the book.
Walter Pforzheimer
But tell us what you really think:
The attached book, "School for Spies" by J. Bernard Hutton, is very interesting reading, notwithstanding an opinion that he is unreliable, as indicated in the attached SECRET/ statement.
Stanley Grogan
Ah. A book lover, Col Grogan.