Name That Pareidolia
Created | Updated Dec 17, 2017
Go on, say something. Your mouse finger's itching already.
Name That Pareidolia
Pareidolia is a type of apophenia1, which is a more generalized term for seeing patterns in random data. Some common examples are seeing a likeness of Jesus in the clouds or an image of a man on the surface of the moon2.
Live Science

Cactuscafé writes:
There's this bizarre woodpattern on a locker in the locker room at the swimming pool. All natural, not a drawing. It's just cheap wood, only on one locker is this strange, unintentional pattern within all the abstract cheap wood design.
Looks like two old prophets. Or ZZ Top. Haha. I've noticed them for months. . . it was briefly deserted in there today so snapped my prophets. Had to show you.
What are their names, I wonder?
The Editor wrote back:
I think the closeup looks like the Shroud of Turin. Only he's singing...
Okay, so the man in the moon looks either like Lord Byron or Hitler. What about this fella? Elijah, the Shroud of Turin, or ZZ Top? (Or Jerry Garcia?) You be the judge: name that pareidolia!
And yes, we've been outed as nutcases. Not for the first time.