The h2g2 Post 25.05.15

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 25th May 2015

May Your Wishes Come True

Children playing on a maypole. Those kids look like they're having fun. What did you do with your maypole this month? Did it end up in the back garden, the town square, in somebody's chimney, or out in the field, amusing the crows? Whatever you did to celebrate May, we hope a good time was had by all. And Create thanks everyone who participated in sharing their experiences.

Next month's Create challenge will be even weirder, of courseā€¦.it involves noticing how much science fiction there is in our daily lives. Just last night, I was watching a time travel film. Now, that's an ordinary, everyday experience, time travel, right? And the guy in the movie went back to the 1970s in his car, and the mechanic picked up his mobile from the back seat and said, 'Aren't you a little old to be playing Captain Kirk?' Yeah, like that. It reminds us how much the science fiction of our youth has become the reality of today. Help Create out with the challenge. Take pics, notice things, and write write write.

Speaking of writing, everybody's doing it. Bluebottle will tell you about the Flea Market rescues, Magwitch will tell you about the gamers, and the 42 Words folks will tell you more than you ever wanted to know. Willem's got a new bird for us to admire, and Awix has another film. We've got humour from past and present, a very current news quiz to catch you out, and we've even got some High Culture in the form of poetry. Don't tell us we aren't aiming to please.

On both sides of the Atlantic, Monday is a holiday, so there's no excuse for you not to be reading this wonderful Stuff. Relax, get caught up.

And enjoy Towel Day!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Stonechat by Willem.
  • Lord of Misrule.



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  • Hitler is dead headline.


  • May Create.
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