The Post Quiz: Current May Events
Created | Updated May 24, 2015
How did our fellow humans celebrate May in 2015?
The Post Quiz: Current May Events

Who are we kidding? We get our news online, like everybody else.
What do you know about these 2015 May events? Short answers, please, about these events that took place in the first two weeks of the month. And don't say we're not current.
- Druglords in Jalisco, Mexico, celebrated May Day in an unusual way. What did they do to a government helicopter?
- What were marchers protesting in Seattle, Washington, USA, on May Day?
- How did the Windsor family celebrate 2 May?
- How did Singapore celebrate World Press Freedom Day on 3 May?
- What Vietnam-related anniversary was remembered on 4 May?
- Why was NASA tweeting George Lucas quotes on 4 May?
- On 6 May, the US government announced the licensing of some boats from Florida. What is unusual about that?
- What utterly amazing photos were unveiled in Mexico City on 7 May? (Nothing to do with Hitler, promise.)
- Why did all the really old folks suddenly want to dance in the streets on 8 May?
- What did the customs officials find in a suitcase in Ceuta (a Spanish possession bordering Morocco) on 8 May?
Boy, you thought you were a news junkie. But how many did you know? Click on the picture for the answers.