Spook X
Created | Updated Oct 2, 2002
Spook X |
In this issue, I will tell a tale, tell about a war, and so forth, all to do with h2g2. Real Life may have a part sometimes in Spook X, but this issue has totally nothing to do with Real Life whatsoever. This issue is definitely an Xtremely interesting issue. To me it is anyway. I hate to criticise myself. I'll let everyone else do that.
Today be h2g2. Tomorrow, who knows...
The Internet
I was looking through Peer Review the other day, and I came across the entry, The Internet is an elaborate hoax, written by Scarab. The entry was of course complete speculation and fictional, but that got me thinking if maybe there was a cover-up. Maybe the internet is
something more then what it seems. Maybe there is something bigger going on. The story below is what I believe is the true story of...The Internet.
The Russians created the internet. They were playing with their computers one day, and discovered this thing called webspace. They captured the webspace and used it to their advantage. They used it to spy on the Americans, to discover their hidden secrets, and to look
at nude girls.
The Americans of course, realised this, and created a website in which the Russian webspace was located. The Americans then posted false data on that site so that the Russians would suspect nothing. The rest of the internet, could now be used by anyone and the Russians would not be spying on everyone.
The Russians did eventually find out about this. Some say it was because their spies found out about it. Some say they simply typed in the wrong web address and a website came up which shouldn't be there. But, the most likely reason is that the Americans weren't putting
enough porn on the Russian site.
The Russians, now knowing what the Americans had done, now have to look at all the pages on the internet to find out American secrets. However, that was not the most devastating thing for them. The most devastating thing was that they now had to pay to see nude girls on the net.
Neither America or Russia, however, knows the real secret about the internet. Web space did not just appear from nowhere. Somebody had to create it. Some country in the world had to create the amazing net where all this information is stored. And that country was...Britain!
That's right! British people are responsible for creating and maintaining the web. A country that some people thought had lost their empire, has actually created a new one - one that reaches people throughout the whole world.
Now, I know some people will not believe a word of this story, however, no-one can deny that this MAY be a true story. It is very unlikely, but as long as there is still a tiny chance that this may be correct, I will still spread the story of the internet.
Virtual War on h2g2
If you enjoy fighting virtual wars, and are a member of an army or organisation on h2g2, or aren't in any organisation at all, then please go to the World War Battlefield. There you can fight your battles. The main thread at the moment for a large battle of all armies, organisation and people is F97504?thread=211113&latest=1.
At the moment, the only army there ready to fight is The Terranic Army. They have recently just been fighting a group of zombies for practise, and are looking for a fun fight against a real army.
It would be great if you could get involved with this. The more people and armies/organisations involved, the more fun it is.
And Finally...
I would tell you what is in next week's edition of Spook X, but I'm not sure yet, so I guess you'll just have to read next week's issue to find out. I'm sure whatever I write for next week's issue, it is going to be Xciting.
Thanks go to everyone who read this edition of Spook X. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I look forward to any comments/praises/criticisms you have about it.