World War Battlefield

18 Conversations

World War One

This battlefield is in the style of World War One. There are 2 trenches - one on each side of the battlefield. In between the 2 trenches is no man's land. One no man's land there are a number of mines and lots of barbed wire. Because of this, tanks are not allowed on this battlefield, however, helicopters and planes are allowed. Boats are not allowed as there are no large areas of water, however, there is a small lake in the center of no man's land.

Ultimate World War Zone

This battlefield is enormous, and covers a large area. there are rail tracks everywhere with trains running on them. They are unlimited spaces for armies to set up camp. Each army position contains a harbour, a train station, an airport and a helicopter pad. army bases are set up by armies participating in battle and are custom bases. there is water on the battlefield, with rivers connecting all the bases army camps together.



There is a hospital at the side of the battlefield for all armies. All doctors should volunteer to provide medical assistance to others here.

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