h2g2 Post 17.10.02

1 Conversation

Posted: 17th October 2002


It seems to be my turn to write the editorial again.

Greebo thinks that I should keep you updated on what I am up to now that I'm not seen around h2g2 quite as much as usual. Well, my Dutch language course at college is pretty hard work. They certainly keep us on the go all the time and tests are coming thick and fast - if I hadn't studied a little Dutch grammar prior to attending the course I think I would be drowning by now!

Apart from finding it all very enjoyable, I am also learning far more about what it means to live in Holland. I have been buzzing around a little on a bike for about nine months now, but not as much or as far as I do now - and not in inclement weather. On Monday we had rain... the fierce rain which seems to be prevelant here at certain times of the year. I'm not yet confident enough to do what I saw a lot of other cyclists doing and carry an umbrella in one hand. Murphy's law seems to dictate that the older the bike, the longer the spike on the umbrella. There were quite a few times I thought I was about to be spiked!

Today, however, I was confronted with a different sort of hazard. The wind. It was a beautiful, crisp morning and the sun shone brightly, but the wind whipped up to an amazing degree. On more than one occasion I had to change down to first gear just to make any headway at all. My legs were certainly aware of the extra effort by the time I arrived at my lessons. Also, any hopes I had of a kindly following wind were thwarted by the constant veering from side to side and front to back. Mind you, I still fared better than the Dutch government which has collapsed due to major internal differences within the LPF party - the party of murdered politician Pim Fortuyn. The government was the shortest-lived administration since WW II. The Dutch also bade farewell to Prince Claus, husband of Queen Beatrix, who died last week. An unpopular figure for many at the time of the marriage, because of his German origins, he won the populous over with his humour and was mourned by most of them.

One or two apologies are forthcoming this week. Titania has a nasty bug and could not complete the next exciting installment of Dark Times. sea is stressed out by forthcoming mid-term examinations and hopes to return soon. On the plus side, we welcome back Wowbagger with a new mini-series. Please do let him - and us - know what you think.


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