A Conversation for A Quick Guide to Norway
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Uncle Ghengis Started conversation Sep 10, 2002
Norway was of course created by Slartibartfast of the planet Magrathea - and was the reason he was given an award (because of all its fjords)
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NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625) Posted Sep 10, 2002
One of my favourite mentions of Norway in fiction. My absolute favourite is aliens walking through Vigelands Park in Oslo in a short story in Iain M. Banks "State of the art". I can't remember the title of the story... This story also contains one of my favourite quotes:
(Responding to accusation that he's messing with earth and it's people) "What's another act of violence on that zoo of a planet? When in Rome, burn it."
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Miranda (Make tea! Yes, Cissdur, it's still me) Posted Oct 21, 2002
Why have I never read that?! Anyway, I love Slartibartfast, of course... I shold think any Norwegian must!
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Laban9 Posted Jul 5, 2003
I donĀ“t know who you people are but I am an Norwegian, and I am love what Slartibartfast have done with the place!
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