A Conversation for How to Fake an English Accent in a Chatroom
By Mistake
Methos (one half of the HHH Management) Started conversation Mar 22, 2003
Hey, this is a great entry. And yes, watching British movies works. I think.
As I'm German I learned British English in school only to get overwhelmed by American English once I discovered the internet. So I guess, by now my English is a mixture of both American and British English - which would be just fine if I only knew what parts were what.
By Mistake
AliQuest Posted Jul 31, 2003
Hi, Methos ! You're doing well. If there's any American in that, I can't detect it. Have a
and some
By Mistake
AliQuest Posted Aug 18, 2003
Gee, thanks, Susan (or may I call you Cat ?)
Is that a Mounties uniform you're wearing ? No ? Well you look very dapper in it, anyway !
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By Mistake
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