Online Tuit Store

15 Conversations

Master B's Tuit Store - Should Be Viewed in Goo

Rrrrrroll up! Get them here. The first online tuit store is now open. Be the envy of all your friends as you tell them "I finally got a round tuit".

By purveying such stock, I am declaring myself to be a sworn enemy of The Procrastinators by actually encouraging people to do something. Controversial? I'm well up tuit!

Due to a lack of time to fiddle with badges, all our tuits come in attractively miniature sizes, as displayed below:

  • The classic 'round tuit'. Available in all colours. For those with not enough time on their hands.
  • The 'up tuit'. For idle people. Again, available in all colours.
  • ...Or maybe you're 'not up tuit'...
  • The 'balls tuit'. For fed-up people. Choose your colour.
  • The 'stick tuit'. For the easily distracted.
  • The (nearly) double size, deluxe 'in tuit' - for highly enthusiastic people.
  • The 'working tuit', for the industrious among us.
  • The rather incitive 'hop tuit'.

Email me with requests, including your h2g2 alias, U-number and colours that are required and I'll send you a customised tuit by return of post. My email address is [email protected]

...Only without the nospam bit, of course.

More tuits coming shortly. Any suggestions? Stick them in the forum.

People Who Got A Round Tuit!

Twinkle came up with the idea for the stick tuit.

Ugi has a tuit permanently on order
(see thread 'Sometime Soon' for details)
Blue-Eyed Bipedal Bookworm drew me the fabulous 'hop tuit'

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