A Conversation for The Beat Generation
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Researcher 194846 Started conversation Aug 6, 2002
Just to let everyone know, not only is the poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti alive and well and still publishing poetry, but his bookshop is still open. City Lights Bookshop in San Francisco was the first paperback only outlet in America and for thirty seven years has provided the definitive voice of America's counterculture. The shop, as well as publishing many influential first time poets, Ginsberg's 'Howl'included, provided an early meeting place for the nascent Beat movement. Ferlinghetti's latest volume of poems 'How to Paint Sunlight' is out in the UK in September 2002. Also of intrest are new works by Gary Snyder (the muse behine Kerouac's 'Dharma Bums'entitled 'Look Out : A Selection of Writings'.
For more about the manifesto and history of the beatific City Lights Bookshop visit http://www.citylights.com/
Stay beautiful man.
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Lawrence Ferlinghetti
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