A Conversation for Blackberries and Brambling
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Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Dec 14, 2005
...and now I the picture!
I'm so happy I have a wild bramble at the bottom of my garden, living off my compost
Well done Pimms Tortoise
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Pimms Posted Dec 14, 2005
Glad it made you happy Annie. Reviewing the subbed entry enabled me to spot a mispointing link (to the original bramble jelly entry rather than the recommended one) It confused me for a minute, as I imagined you had spotted it from the Front page, when it isn't there yet. I guess you were browsing <./>comingup</.>
Are you dropping GB moniker in preference for Annie for the foreseeable future?
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Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Dec 15, 2005
Have you told them at editorial feedback?
Yes I was browsing ComingUp
I don't know - about GB I mean. My life's on hold at the moment. But it feels like I'm on a runaway train too. I'm just spending as much time as I can with my dad, while he's still here. His birthday is March 3rd, he'll be 88. We're aiming for that. Mum is planning a family get-together on 1st Jan, I'm going to rally my older kids, oldest lives in the same town but two live away, so I'm gonna stump up for their train fares to get us all together for the last time.
Dad'll love it.
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Pimms Posted Dec 15, 2005
Yes, via the sub-ed Skankyrich.
I hope the New Year celebrations allow for great shared joy and allow you to put the future aside for a while
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U168592 Posted Dec 22, 2005
mmm, reminds me why we froze some to put in a pie at Christmas! With raspberries too
(nice to see them linked)
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