Fort 214: "The Fleapit"

11 Conversations

The Farthest Flung Extremity of Places Marked By Dogs...

The rolling dunes of the desert sweep as far as the eye can see, their golden expanse glittering under the burning sun. The horizon, baking under the sun's rays, has only one feature.

Rising a majestic thirty inches from the sands squats the imposing shape that is the Foreign Flegion Fort known best as "The Fleapit". Its garrison are some of the hardest-bitten (and hardest-biting) fleas in the world, all killers to the last flea, commanded by some of the mangiest hounds in the whole of Christendom.

The mighty fort stands overlooking a sparkling oasis known only as "The Qream". Stretching a full three feet, it is the only body of water in this part of the Al Qua-Sandpit desert and so jealously guarded against attack by the mysterious Sandcats, those enigmatic desert raiders led by their deadly leader, the Catiph.

Grimly the fleas protect their stronghold, but always the cats attack, attack, attack, as relentlessly as a sandstorm and as withering as a whirlwind.

Will the plucky arthropods hold firm, or will the cats get the Qream?

Who can tell, dear reader, who can tell...

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