Join S.P.U.D: the Secret Potato-lovers' Undercover Division
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
We Can eat Baby Potatoes!!!

Are you tired of the same old Potatoes? Do you look forward to the delicious taste of sweet, juicy baby potatoes, slow-roasted until their tender skin slides off, then smothered with delicious cream sauce?
Then join us at SPUD! We like 'em young.MMMMmmm! Baby Potatoes!
We're the newest sub-group of the the Potato Army!! The Secret Potato-lovers' Undercover Division! And, we have the bob-given right to enjoy the heavenly bliss of a Baby Potato Entree!

We sneak around, lurking in threads through-out the beeb, diligently searching for any goody-two-shoes who would deny us that right.When we get the call-to-arms we make WAR!!
Join the Posse!!

The Secret Potato-lovers' Undercover Division will come to order!!
Roll call:(click on smiley of ghost or full moon to link)
Lurcher; Commander-in-Chief,War Lord, Ect.,Resplendent in his shiny uniform, (Cashmere, with a di-ionized spectral weave overlaid with titanium micro-meshed enhancing fibers and decorated with special, fancy braiding and epaulettes and tassels, and a medal or 2
- Big Ugly armadillo from Texas; Scrounger, subterfuge,head cook and moonshine supplier. He has an unlimited supply of cousins, uncles, and brothers ready to take his place if he should fall in battle(Messages accepted by ex-Rambling
- Floh, the newly re-caffinated cynicin her fancy new uniform
We'll show those spud-haters!!!
Fellow Spud-lovers in the Potato Army:
SnowmanThe commander of the Potato Army
tuc fortuneswell, The First Officer
Lodestone, In Charge of Armadillo Offensives
Floh, In Charge of Mashed Potatoes, Adjuctant to the First Officer
Green Eyed FairyOfficial Spud Poker
Silent Potato (a potato...yummm!)
Let's make Potato Pancakes out of all Spud-Haters!!!