A Conversation for The 'I Ching' - the Book of Changes
Wonderful Weirdo Started conversation May 31, 2003
i just bought a copy of the "book of changes" and whenever i mention I ching to anyone, they have all heard of it. Nobody actually seems to know what it is, or how to pronounce it, but they recognise the name. Is it famous? i had never heard of it until i read "The Amber Spyglass" but i'm only thirteen, so am probably missing out on somethangi haven't actually used it yet, because i seem to have lost my marbles
ZenMondo Posted Jun 4, 2003
It seems to be well known, but like you said, many peeps aren't sure what it is exactly.
fracty Posted Aug 20, 2005
Hi there,
Well the I-ching is a spiritual treaty that is very profound and has practical application. However you need time to understand even meditate on the meaning of each little paragraph of it. it need your active parcticipation and it a good companion to Taoist spiritual path, but any spiritual path.The people that wrote it had extensive knowledge of some deep laws we have problem to understand with our limited mind. That is why we need to meditate in order to free the conditionning that stop truth from entering our over-worked logic capabilites and under-working compilation and holistic capabilities. A good global solution will always be better than a local solution that is a mistake on the global scale...
if more interested, drop a line i can write more on the I-ching if you wish
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