h2g2as Astronomy Links
Created | Updated Apr 9, 2013
H2G2 Astronomy Society
Astronomy Links
Charting the uncharted backwaters of the Universe
h2g2as Front Page | The main site page. |
Moonwatching | The page for Lunartics. |
h2g2as Q and A | Find the answers to many space related questions. |
Astronomy Links | Find all the best astronomy links as well as links to local societies. |
Heads Up | What's to see in the coming month. |
Members Page | Meet the many researchers who have joined the h2g2as and join yourself. |
Babe Among the Stars | Galaxy Babe's column in The Post. |
Fight Light Pollution
Why not ask your local zoning authority if there are any restrictions on light pollution where you live. Bright parking lot lights will eventually fill the night sky with a dull haze of background light, ruining the chances of seeing the stars! To join the fight to save dark skies, go the International Dark Sky Association.
If you don't think there's a light pollution in your area, go outside and look at the Big Dipper.1 You should see a double star in the handle, second star up from the end. That is Alcor and Mizar. If you can't see them, you either need glasses or you've got a light pollution problem!
Join the fight - turn off that outside light!
Join the H2G2 Astronomy Society
H2G2 Astronomy Society which carries the latest astronomical news as well as linking to many of the astronomical entries on h2g2. It's also a great place to hang out and chat with fellow Researchers about astronomical topics which interest you.
Search for Extraterrestial Intelligence
Are we alone in the universe?
Who knows, but now, you can join the search for extraterrestial life with a few dozen guide researchers who have joined together to help the SETI team. For more information you can go to the h2g2 SETI@home page.
Picture of the Day
You can click on this link to find the NASA Picture of the Day. This link is pretty cool - in addition to an interesting astronomical photo, there is a brief explanation of what you're seeing. American tax dollars at work!
Check out the BBC's pages
BBC Online's Space pages, including a 3-D tour of the Solar System, a user submitted photo gallery, a quiz and up-to-date news. It's definitely worth checking out! UK license fees at work!
Below is a list of many of the best astronomy and space science websites that are on the web. They have been divided into sections which can be shuttled to by using the following links.
- Solar Environment
- Space News
- Space Groups
- Astronomy Pictures
- Night Sky Information
- Astronomy Articles
- Astronomy Resources
The Solar Environment
NASA Spaceweather siteAurora Watch UK
SOHO - Current Solar Images.
NOAA - Current images from aurora plotting satellites.
Space News
Astronomy Now magazineSpaceflightnow.com - with the latest information on most manned and unmanned space missions.
Space Groups
BNSC - The British National Space Center.NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
EAS - European Space Agency.
Jodrell Bank - The UK’s largest radio telescope, currently working on the SETI project.
H2G2 Mars Society Page
NASA Earth Observatory
Belgian Amateur Astronomers' Society
Index of Astronomical Societies - For a stunning list of local astronomical societies have alook at xyroth's website.
Astronomy Pictures
Astronomy picture of the day.Astronomical pictures and animations - An online 4.8 gigabytes astronomical server
Bill and Ted's Excellent Astro-Picture Page - Many pictures taken by amateur astronomers with amateur equiptment
The Hubble Heritage Project - "By emphasizing compelling HST images distilled from scientific data, we hope to pique curiosity about our astrophysical understanding of the universe we all inhabit."
Night Sky Information
Heavens-Above - satellite where and when's.The Sky at Night - The BBC’s longest and most informative astronomy program.
Astronomical Applications - Contains a mountain of useful programs and information.
NearEarth.net - contains the information about what is circling above the Earth.
The Moons’ Current Phase - a continually updating image of the moons surface.
Astronomy Articles
An auroral flare on Jupiter - An article showing recent auroral activity on the Suns biggest planet.Making a home on Mars - the possibility of making Martian bricks for homes is discussed here.
Neptune Attacks - An explanation for the Moons meteorite pitted surface.
The spin of Venus - looking at Venuses retrograde motion.
Astronomy Resources
The Nine Planets - A multimedia tour of the Solar SystemNASA Astrophysics Data System
University of Strasbourg Astroweb
Astro-Links - more scientific astronomy links
Some Notes on micro-Quasars

If you would like to contact me please use these two links:
yeliab@home and yeliab@uni