A Conversation for Setting up a Band
Dubo Started conversation Dec 1, 2001
Whatever type of music you play, whatever you're aiming for, whoever you're playing with, don't start writing originals too soon. Anything wirtten before the band's a year old is almost by definition utter sputum, and the demoralisation/raging arrogance writing bad songs can bring normally tears a band apart. Especially if you're coming from different musical angles.
Choosing the friends who you have "chemistry" with helps. As does listening to great music...and ignoring that kid who likes Metallica...ugh...memories...
Evil Zombie Strider Posted Dec 1, 2001
It is, of course also important that the band members have varied musical tastes (which is generally, but not allways, inevitable anyway). However, if everybody in the band likes exactly the same music, the band may have a few popular pieces, but will then fall flat on its face due to lack of variation.
Yelbakk Posted Dec 1, 2001
Sorry to disagree, but
1) That kid who likes Metallica is not *always* a pain in the butt.
2) Doing covers is a great way to find out what you have in common; it helps to settle on a style, or at least on a direction. At the same time, it is important to try to write originals, as it shows you whether or not there is any creative potential in the present line up of the band. And I *KNOW* songs written within the first *hours* of a band's existence which are great. (Of course, I am referring to my own songs. No, I don't, or do I???)
threesecondmemory Posted Dec 3, 2001
(I like metallica)
Doing covers is a great way to get a band going. You can do numbers that you all know very well and it will enable to get "tight" (playing together in time, playing right notes etc.) Covers enable you to mesh as individuals into a band so that when you start to perform your own songs they will also be tight.
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