A Conversation for Setting up a Band

Learn How To Make areally Good Cup of Tea

Post 1


To be successful in a band you need to start by learning how to make a really good cup of tea.
The reasoning goes like this. If you are not popular with the general public you are said to be 'not everybody's cup of tea'. Therefore to be rich and famous you need to be everybody's cup of tea. Cups of tea and people's preferences for weak, strong, hot, cool, milk in first etc. vary dramatically across the world (we are, of course, talking global). The only way to know your audience is to understand what makes a fundementally good cup of tea and then go out there and give it to them.
Of course if all else fails you will be able to invite all your band members around for a nice cup of tea and biscuits to mull over why it was you never quite made it.

Learn How To Make areally Good Cup of Tea

Post 2

Purple Moose - He comes, he goes. But mainly the latter...

Or open a really classy tea room...
smiley - reindeer

Learn How To Make areally Good Cup of Tea

Post 3

Mo Power (Itching Cucumber, Lord of Nonsense elect)

Thats not my cup of tea: I prefer coffee!


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