A Conversation for Setting up a Band
threesecondmemory Started conversation Nov 29, 2001
As I am discovering at the moment, it is not always a good idea to set up a band with your close friends. It makes it increasingly difficult to make criticisms without people taking it personally.
I am a drummer in a band that I set with some friends. We were short of a guitarist so I enlisted the services of a guy I used to share a flat with and with whom I have been friends for years. I knew he wasn't brilliant but I thought he would be good enough. He was at first, but we, as a band, have moved on and he seems to have been left behind. So much so that it is time to replace him with a more accomplished musician but to do this would destroy out friendship. He is very sensitive and it would be nigh on impossible to convince him it is not personal.
Lenny (Lynette) Posted Nov 29, 2001
I was in a band with mates and it got really difficult especially when it came to choosing what to play. The other thing was everyone had very different experiences and abilities but no one had ever played in a proper band before. You really find out how much compromise is needed and how self confidence can suffer when you listen to your friends in that sort of environment. Plus we were all 14 which is not the most mature of ages....
And yes, everyone takes it personally because music can be such a personal thing!
Mo Power (Itching Cucumber, Lord of Nonsense elect) Posted Nov 30, 2001
I am playing the drums in two (well to be honest one, the other one is taking a creative break) rock bands with friends of mine, and we did encounter several difficulties in the first one (the resting one).
But in my new band, we all love making music of any kind, so there is little controversy about what to play - everyone is playing his part, and if something doesn't fit in it is it is discussed and changed.
But perhaps this is the way, because i joined, when the band had already formed, when the original troubles had already been solved.
PS: Check out the bands' websites (they are in German though - I am from Austria), links are on my space.
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