2010 Scoreboard

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Fancy line breakA Lily, symbol of mourning.Fancy line break

This is the scoreboard for the '2010 Deathlist', which was introduced to h2g2 and is run by Mu Beta and assisted by Emmily.

Click on the smiley - rose or use the Footnote in the chart to find out which notable person has died.

Namesmiley - rose1smiley - rose2smiley - rose3smiley - rose4smiley - rose5smiley - rose6smiley - rose7smiley - rose8smiley - rose9smiley - rose10smiley - rose11smiley - rose12smiley - rose13smiley - rose14smiley - rose15smiley - rose16smiley - rose17Score
Beatrice 10               10
coelacanth             10    10
C Hawke    10             10
Dai the Death  151010       10    45
Deakie     10            10
Demon Drawer 10          10  10 30
Emmily           10  15  25
Galaxy Babe     10    10      20
Icy North     10           10
Loonycat    10        10    20
Magwitch   10        10    20
MazinMadFiddler           10     10
Mol                1515
Mu Beta      1015    10     35
Nother        15   10    25
Orcus             15 10 25
SWL   10        10    20
The Groob 15      15 1510      55
Toy Box                  
tzjin_anthony_ks           10      10
1Miep Gies2JD Salinger3Lionel Jeffries4Michael Foot5John Forsythe6Dennis Hopper7Robert C Byrd8Ronald Neame9Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins10Kevin McCarthy11Gloria Stuart12Tony Curtis13Sir Norman Wisdom14Claire Rayner15Graham Crowden16Blake Edwards17Elisabeth Beresford

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