Created | Updated Jun 22, 2003

The next h2g2 Meet takes place on the 7th July 2001 and will be held in London. Click over to the the RSVP thread to sign up and visit the Oh Good! thread for general chit chat and speculation! So far a grand total of 35 researchers and staff have signed up, although for what exactly still remains a mystery! If you are curious as to their identities, or want to be the first to know the planned activity, then a visit to the Next Community Meet Up page is a must!
If 'The Smoke' is not exactly the easiest place in the world for you to get to, why not consider the Flat Cap and Muffler Club Spring Outing... otherwise known as the Great Northern Meet. It is for anyone interested in beer or coffee and a few laughs... whippets and black puddings optional! The Meet will be held on the 4th August at the Trafford Centre, Manchester; there's bowling, drinking and all sorts of food available.
Times, directions and place to be announced later.
Sign up in This forum.
Abi is in the building!
The Community Soapbox has been highlighted for the past few weeks in this column, but did you know about the Talk page and specifically Abi's new section: Abi's Community Activities? Here you can found a list of all sorts of fun places to visit and also have the opportunity of advertising your own endeavours. Pages picked out for a mention this week include The Mutual Admiration Social Club!, English Afternoon Tea on the Lawn and The Great Wacky Races Quiz.
Ever wondered if you shared your birthday with someone famous? Want to know when a friend on h2g2 celebrates their birthday, so you can arrange a surprise virtual party or just send them greetings through the h2g2 messenger service? (see below!)
Look no further! Some Bloke has a great series of pages which give you the information you seek! Just visit the All New Researchers' Birthday Page.
h2g2 Site Re-Design
Now is your chance to have your say and possibly influence the look of h2g2! Check out the Site Re-Design forum and tell the h2g2 team of your usage and ideas. While you're there, why not say hello to nat_.... who is new to h2g2, but also the designer assigned to the task of project h2g2!
Hermes Messenger Service
Do you want to send anyone on h2g2 a declaration of love, anonymous or otherwise, a birthday greeting or any other message? If so, why not visit the Hermes Messenger Service. All requests will be considered and forwarded to user pages within h2g2.
The Musehome
The Musehome auction is still in full swing at the Polyhymnia Speech Hall.
The current item up for grabs is an Elvis Stage Costume!... Ooooohhh! So get along there and place your bids!
Iris Cafe
Not only does the The Iris Cafe offer a colourful atmosphere, but also 'Truly Inspired Food'. Why not check out if they have your favourite meal there?
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.