A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice


Post 1


Any idea what's happening with WGT? The story I heard (from a
reliable source) is that the WGT2000 organisers disappeared with
a large amount of the funds, and that there is some sort of court
case happening this year (IIRC). Do you have any more info?

Anyone who hasn't been to WGT should give it a try some time, I'd
recommend going a few days earlier than it starts, and stay a few
days afterwards, and watch the city centre of Leipzig change smiley - smiley.
(And see how easy it normally is to get on the number 11 tram, when
it isn't full of 100+ goths smiley - winkeye



Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

It's alive and kicking. Just check out
to see who played this year.
See F22192?thread=184999 for a short tale of the 2002 WGT.

Whether or not the organisers buggered off with the money is unknown to me. I do know that half of the festival didn't happen because the bands didn't receive any money (neither did the security people, BTW). Rumours immediately after were that they took the cash and ran. Then the organisers siad that they didn't and I never heard a further word about it. 2001 and 2002 were organised by other people and well organised at that. We already booked rooms for 2003... smiley - smileysmiley - ok

We usually arrive on Thursday to get the wrist-bands and stay till Tuesday to take full advantage of Monday's programme.


Post 3


hmm, must say I wasn't too impressed with 2002's
offering (though Xymox, Sex Gang Children and Diamanda
Galas were excellent). Seems to be going downhill IMHO
(or maybe I'm becoming jaded?).

Shame about the whole 2000 affair (my source for info
was Nancy Schumann, who did the pr that year, and for
earlier years). She said that the organisers did split
with the cash. Don't think she got paid either. smiley - sadface
Hope the court case doesn't affect 2003's event
in any way.



Post 4

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Hmmmm... the line-ups never were *that* great, IMO. They are better festivals for that . For me it's about the atmosphere ... all those goths ... a chance to wear all the gear that's hanging in the wardrobe most of the year ... to see a bunch of good bands and some of those who you wouldn't go to see in a single concert etc.
Too much EBM/Techno for my taste, but then again I don't *have* to hang out at Werk II. smiley - winkeye

Well, Nancy sure knows better than me... I just attended it. It was a very sad thing to see all the organisers/staff who were still there sell off the merchandise to make some money (and they are still selling the t-shirts even now). smiley - sadfacesmiley - blue

Can't see that the case should affect the 2003 event. And I hope that it does not!
Do you think about turning up for it?


Post 5


Yeah, I think I'll go along for 2003, providing
there is still someone I know staying in Leipzig
to stay with. I'm not sure I'd go if I have to
camp, and am never organised enough to book a
hotel room in advance smiley - sadface).

I agree the whole "Scene" thing is better than
the bands (yup too much EBM smiley - smiley ), but maybe
it's just me, but the spooky-kid ratio is on
the rise.

But I'd like to go in 2003 (if for no other
reason than I'm addicted to the fresh doughnuts
on-sale at the Agra... and all that mead [Met]).


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