This is the Message Centre for Tube - the being being back for the time being

Worst ever

Post 1

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Impersonation of a man who is offliner.smiley - winkeye

How was the Goth Fest?

smiley - shark

Worst ever

Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - laugh

The festival itself was great. smiley - smiley 17,000 goths, not as big as last year's, though... because the city was packed with 100,000 sport freaks (gymnasitcs of all possible sports!) who'd gathered for an event of their own smiley - sadface So they'd taken all the available hotel space and there's just not enough camping for a really large goth fest. Took us an hour by tram to go to the main festival area because we had to book rooms so far out of the city. And we booked eleven months ago smiley - grr.

It took those sport guys some time to figure that we don't bite (at least not in broard daylight smiley - vampiresmiley - winkeye) and after two days they started taking photos. The local rag even features one ( check out the pic in the middle of the second last row ... so who's sporty and who's fat here, eh?).
They also featured an article on what the goths say about the gymnastics people and vice versa. The goths all said that the didn't have any problems with the sporties and that it was a sad thing that they just stared from a distance and did not come closer to ask questions. The sporties said either that the goth were really nice people in strange gear or they said thatthey can't understand how one could dress like that, wonder wether they're satanists and would not do gymnastics with them.
AS IF, as bl**dy if and Goth would want to do gymnasics with 'em smiley - dohsmiley - laugh

I'll post some links for mail some pics when I find something interesting smiley - smiley
10 or 15 people took photos of us (the ones we noticed) so there might be some on the web soon smiley - biggrin


Worst ever

Post 3

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Sounds like you had an excellent time, I must say.smiley - cool
I like the idea of gymnastic Goths, and I bet my friend the Goblin King would as well (though possibly not for the same reason...smiley - laugh) He would get quite worked up about Goths who could do floor exercises, I suspect...smiley - winkeye
I look forward to seeing the pictures.smiley - ok
smiley - shark

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