Journal Entries

Missed a birthday ...

... mine. Here. 6th.

Never thought *that* could happen...

late smiley - bubbly all around!

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2005

No matter

Meant as a reminder to myself:

No matter what I do
I hurt myself
Even writing these lines.

The goals I suffered
For for
Years and years

Should I heed what I swore
Was I just young
Or can I allow all that to take second place for the time being?

Doing so would mean that I suffered in vain?
Not doing so would mean that I am blind to reality?
No matter what I do, I hurt myself.

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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2004


Ok, how am I going to tell this?
There's me and my beloved Naak, laying in bed and she notices a protruding nose-hair of mine. After prodding it for a bit and driving me nuts with the tickles she announces that she has decided to call it "Klaus-Dieter".
Later she changed her mind and the name to "Hernando". In the sense of "Hairnando" as she informs me. Could have been "Heirnando" or "Harenando", too.
Then she adopted my single nose-hair ... errr, I mean Hernando.

If it follows her home, she can keep it... smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: May 2, 2004

What is the most ...

... useless thing to give to me?

you have one week starting from now (1:30) a.m. GMT to tell me. An smiley - ale to the first persom to guess it.

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2004

Friends! Yay!

Just a quick note to myself that friends are a great invention. Especially those who I didn't contact for over two years and who then suddenly want to see me (after flying around half the globe to do so). And then you pick up the conversation as if nothing had happened in between.

Just wonderful.

smiley - cheerup

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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2004

Back to Tube - the being being back for the time being's Personal Space Home

Tube - the being being back for the time being

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