Classified Advertisements
Created | Updated Jun 22, 2003

A new Feature for the POST will be the possibility to send in any advertisements you may wish to publish.
These should, of course, be purely h2g2 related! Unless otherwise specified,
advertisements will run for 4 weeks.
Site Worthy of a Visit
Do you like hearing a good joke? Do you like telling
jokes? Then So Long, And Thanks For
... the H2G2 Joke Directory... is for you.
Come along and see jokes that other researchers have
contributed, and then contribute jokes yourself.
Researchers with creative minds, language/communication skills,
and friendly personalities.
GURUS, Muses, Editors, Archangels, ACES, and other h2g2 'buffs' welcome!
Help to create the Terran Embassy at h2g2!
For more information please visit:
The Embassy Office or email
The Library and Museum has a vacancy for a Curator of Antiquities to research and document the history of h2g2 community life. Strangely, despite the fact that the site has only been up and running since last April, there is a wealth of historical evidence to gather going back at least as far as the last Ice Age.
Duties will include maintaining a page of links to places of historical interest in h2g2, sifting through forums for conversations where Things Were Said that define h2g2 history and geography, perhaps writing some summary documents and helping with the Maintenance of Continuity.
There may be some opportunity to
arrange archeological digs in parts of h2g2 island. Lots of fun to be had.
Please apply to Amy the Ant at the Library and Museum.
The House of Relaxation is seeking both
male and female masseurs to help with the sudden influx of customers.
Applicants should have a good grasp of manipulation and be prepared
to work unusual hours.
Please apply by email stating previous (if any) experience to:
The Minister for Relaxation
h2g2 Teeshirts!
The staff of h2g2 are pleased to announce the availability of h2g2 T shirts to any researchers who want to be the height of fashion this season. The shirts are available at the shop, where all sorts of other goodies await your perusal.
The shirts are available in a dazzling array of colours (black or white!) and three sizes.
If YOU would like to place an advertisement, please email shazzPRME