A Conversation for Cocktails Named After Stars
No modern ones?
Wand'rin star Started conversation Jul 13, 2000
I realise the cited folk were contemporary with the great age of the cocktail, but it seems a shame that there aren't any modern equivalents. I suggest a Princess Margaret - gin and bitters but there must be some more worthy candidates.
No modern ones?
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Jul 13, 2000
An ideal opportunity for DD to finally tell me what's in a Tom Cruise
(This is a reference to 34 at the Fand F)
No modern ones?
Lintilla Posted Jul 13, 2000
Ha Ha, I haden't ever seen the movie "Prisoner of Zenda" ever listed as, well, a movie. It seems to have been forgotten by most, dispite the fact it's one of my favorites.
No modern ones?
Demon Drawer Posted Jul 13, 2000
I'll see what I can dig up. Though modern cocktails tend to be not named for people so much. I mean Aftershock, Sex on the Beach, Orgasm are hardly ideally named cocktails people can associatee with people.
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No modern ones?
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