A Conversation for Theories on the Existence and Origin of the Universe
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Aug 31, 2009
If fractals exist between 1D & 2D & 3D, will they also exist as Fractal space-time? Would like to read the book by Laurent Nottale, but its a bit expensive? searching for online articles..
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Aug 31, 2009
Although Google books has the book by Laurent Nottale "Fractal space-time" on line, I find a real book is still easier on the eyes, and the mouse wheel finger! Will this book have an answer to the problem of unifying the 4 forces, while also explaining the positive, neutral and negative properties, of the interacting charges, that are producing the hoped for, unified 4 force (strength)? Also how does the book solve the aberration between light and gravitational speed?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Sep 2, 2009
The book "Fractal space-time", is quite heavy going, because of my limited maths skills, anyway cheating a little, by reading the conclusions at the end, it turns out that the book is still a work in progress. It still needs to explain spin, field theory and also my own questions( why are there 3 electrical charge types positive Neutral negative, also up down strange, also red yellow blue, also W+ W0 W-, why is gravity singular and not in three`s, like the others, and how is gravity able to reach the speeds needed for planets to stay in orbit with out suffering acceleration, which they would if gravity only interacted at the slower light speed "c")?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 8, 2009
Fractal space-time, assumes particles are made from inward and outward spherical waves, but something(a wave medium) is needed for the waves to propagate through? Could the propagation medium be made from a range of smaller particles? The smaller of the size range able to move at higher speeds relative to those at the larger end of the size spectrum, causing what effects for space-time, and resonance wave particles?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 8, 2009
Looked up the mean free path equation, l = 1/[(2^0.5)*n*p*d^2],meters. Where n is the number of particles per unit volume, p = pie, and the zig-zag paths diameter = d. Please note; as the diameter of the particles are reduced, their free path length increases. A shadow attraction effect may happen between larger particles, provided that the distance between them, is less than the smaller particles mean free path length.
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 9, 2009
Since the particle density of the spherical wave medium is being modulated by the in & out going spherical waves, it makes sense that particles in motion that are far smaller than the spherical wave medium will cause a shadow effect attraction between the larger spherical wave medium particles(gravity).
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 14, 2009
If the hypothetical light & matter wave carrying particle medium were to exist, then there is no reason to rule in or out, other smaller or larger, particle scale mediums, co-existing with ours?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 18, 2009
If our subatomic particles are formed from wave like compressions of the light & matter carrying particle medium,( L.C.M ), can there really be Singularities? Why not an ocean of LCM fluid surrounding the LCM core? The friction between hot particles of the LCM would tend to break them up into ever smaller particles, and hence matter would escape from the singularity (being too small to interact with gravity particles).
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 18, 2009
So called Singularities, could be emptying our universe of its light & matter carrying wave media particles! To prevent our universe from vanishing, other coexisting larger particle LCM universes are required. Ashes of their singularity crumbled LCM particle waste, topping up our LCM? with particles?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 20, 2009
While watching Horizon BBC2, the bit about emergent decision making, I wondered if our reality could be the sum of (past) larger slower LCM, plus present LCM, plus (future) faster smaller LCM?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Oct 31, 2009
Newly created LCM (light carrying media) particles, should escape into our LCM, from singularities within the immediately larger scale particle universe(LCM) to ours. Motion in this larger LCM particle size universe, being slower compared to ours(possibly a version of our past?). Time goes one way, from larger to smaller sizes?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 2, 2009
Unless Time is another charge like property,(+- past , neutral now & +- future ) carried by waves within the light & matter carrying media (LCM)?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 2, 2009
Could Galactic voids be the locations of larger particles within a larger universes LCM? While the sheets of galaxies that are draped around them be due to newly made conglomerations of escaping LCM particles from this larger universe( electrons and the like )?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 4, 2009
It`s nice that the scientists speaking on the recently broadcast BBC`s Horizon program about singularities, admit that they are still trying to understand them. One thing about singularities that I don`t get is, if the gravitational field [g(r),m/s^2] at the center of a solid sphere is zero, and it increases linearly with radius r, out from the center, why is it not the same for a singularity? Has radius r somehow lost its meaning? Why would a singularity form if the gravitational acceleration field g(r) is less for shorter distances from the middle? I suppose increase of mass due to relativity, is used to explain the above, but gravitational acceleration is due to the total mass of static particles (n.E=n.M.c^2,j.), not the mass due to relative kinetic energy(momentum)?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 6, 2009
Looked up the ratios of mass to volume within a solid sphere, at the surface it`s, M(s)/((4/3)pie.r(s)^3), kg per meter cubed, while at at a distance, r, from the center it`s, M(r)/((4/3)pie.r^3), kg per m cubed, and hence at a distance r, meters, within the sphere, mass M(r) = M(s)r^3/r(s)^3, kg. This result can then be used to give the ratios for force and pressure within a sphere. Also since the gravitational field at r, is related by, g(r)= -GM(r)/r^2, m/sec^2, then F(r) = M(r)g(r), N, which can also be simplified to F(r) = r(G.rho^2), where rho = density, M(s)/r(s)^3, kg per meter cubed. Therefore inward pressure due gravitational force (at distance r, from the center of the sphere), P(r) = (G.rho^2)/r, pascals. Distance from the center can never be reduced to zero, meters, since pressure would be infinite(Zeno`s paradox!).
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 6, 2009
Sorry after checking through my previous equations, g(r) should equal -G.M(s).r/r(s)^3 = -G.(rho).r, m/s^2, and gravitational force of attraction, F(r) = M(r)g(r) = (M(s).r^3/r(s)^3)(G.(rho).r) = G.(rho^2).r^4, N, also pressure P(r) = F(r)/r^2 = G.(rho^2).r^2, pa.
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 6, 2009
As the distance to the center of the sphere reduces so does it`s gravitational attraction and pressure pushing towards the center.
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 8, 2009
The weight w, of a sphere of fluid, pressing onto an object within the fluid, at a distance r, from the center of the sphere, due to the attractive force of gravity w = m.g(r) = ((rho)r^3)g(r), N. Pressure at r, within the sphere P(r) = w/(area of sphere at r) = ((rho)r)g(r) = G(rho^2)r^2, Pa, (the 4pie`s cancel out). My point is that g(r) and P(r), reduce in value with depth, which seems to be the opposite of what you would expect, upon diving into a pool?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 8, 2009
If the graph of pressure verses distance from the center, peaks somewhere away from both the outside and the center, could some singularities be hollow? Maybe containing the core of the star surrounded by vacuum between it and the encasing event horizon?
Inflation Theory
andysfoam Posted Nov 8, 2009
If hollow singularities were to be possible, could the equator remain event horizon free if the rotation became high enough?
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Inflation Theory
- 21: andysfoam (Aug 31, 2009)
- 22: andysfoam (Aug 31, 2009)
- 23: andysfoam (Sep 2, 2009)
- 24: andysfoam (Oct 8, 2009)
- 25: andysfoam (Oct 8, 2009)
- 26: andysfoam (Oct 9, 2009)
- 27: andysfoam (Oct 14, 2009)
- 28: andysfoam (Oct 18, 2009)
- 29: andysfoam (Oct 18, 2009)
- 30: andysfoam (Oct 20, 2009)
- 31: andysfoam (Oct 31, 2009)
- 32: andysfoam (Nov 2, 2009)
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- 34: andysfoam (Nov 4, 2009)
- 35: andysfoam (Nov 6, 2009)
- 36: andysfoam (Nov 6, 2009)
- 37: andysfoam (Nov 6, 2009)
- 38: andysfoam (Nov 8, 2009)
- 39: andysfoam (Nov 8, 2009)
- 40: andysfoam (Nov 8, 2009)
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