A Conversation for Sweden

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 21

justus jonas

I'm really late this time with replying, I'm sorry for that!

Well, your footy-phrases are quite nice, only the swedish one took me some time to get what it means. The Berlin-climat totally changed since last week, now it's really cold and wet and windy. It was a short summer, now I'm looking foreward the golden fall...
By the way, now I've got an Address at Stockholm. But I'm still not sure how to get there. Den helgen jag mas kanske talar med min far över finanzäringen för en bil. (Sorry, for that pidgin-Swedish)
Och snart, nästan exzaminor ma scrivers ocksa (sorry again).
You see, I definitly need an intensive course and practil training in swedish. But there also was an incident that made me a little bit proud: Last Saturday night, two young guys were studying the Subway timetable, and I herad how they spoke something lika med:" tjugofem... trettioatta...", so when they ask me when the next train would arrive, I ask: "Är ni fran Sverje?", after that, one of them started to talk a lot of things I didn't understand - because - he thought I would be norsk! *grin*

Have a really phantastic day, all of you

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 22

Lost in Scotland

Greetings again, JJ.
No need to apologise for takinig some time to reply.

Well, the Swedish quote is just too good to pass up on, but it's one of those "un-translatable" quotes that only works in Swedish. Sorry about that.
You've gotten somewhere to stay in Stockholm? That's great. You're pretty much all ready to move in then. smiley - smiley Do you have a lot of stuff that you need to bring to Stockholm, or are you going to travel light to start with, and then get stuff over gradually? Cause a good thing if you're travelling without too many things, getting a flight can be a good option. Doesn't take much time, it can be cheap, if you know where to look (like SAS' youth discounts, for instance). Then again, renting a car and drive yourself could be nice, since it's summer time and you get to see alot of the country if you do.

I think that you could get by fairly well with the Swedish skills you've got. At least you could explain to people, in Swedish, that you aren't fluent in Swedish, and that you would prefer German or English. smiley - smiley

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 23

justus jonas

Back and keck!

Poor Miriam! I saw the Italy-Holland match and its (for Holland) unfortunate result, that was one of the most exciting games (without the German team) I ever saw...

Getting to Sweden: I'm now really posessed of the Idea, driving my own car (that I don't posess yet) up there. Talked with my father and strange but true, he liked also the Idea. You're right: exploring the countrieside, hiking, fishing and moose-signs-steeling, that's what I have to do. Like Ulf Lundell said: Jag trifts bäst i öppna Landskap...

Last week I got my self a member card for the skandinavistik library, do you have a title in mind, that i should read? Unfortunatly, all the good old Astrid Lindgreen bokerna were led, they only had Ronja there.

har ni en bra vecka!


lettres des enfants perdus

Post 24

Lost in Scotland

I agree. That game was pretty good. Okay, so I admit that I didn't see very much of it, but the part I saw was good.smiley - smiley
Unfortunate about the penalties, though. There's been alot of jokes going around since that game about Jaap Stam's penalty, that it was shot into orbit and whatever.

Driving up through Sweden is a good choice. Especially if you try to stay away from the biggest roads and motorways. If you've got a good road atlas in the car, I think you should be able to find your way pretty easily through the Swedish countryside.

Have you tried reading anything by Jan Guillou? He writes novels about a Swedish version of James Bond. Well, kinda. Karl Hamilton, the main character in the books, works for the Swedish intelligence agency, but he doesn't get a lot of gadgets and trinkets to play with like Bond does. And Hamilton can get hurt as well. Oh, and he's married and can work with partners on his cases, unlike Bond.
Other than that, I think Astrid Lindgren's books are very good to read as well. "Mio, my Mio", "Bröderna Lejonhjärta", "Ronja Rövardotter" and "Emil i Lönneberga" are good books to read.

Well, I'd better get back to working.. Have a good week.

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 25

justus jonas

I remember you alreadi wrote about these Hamilton-agent-stories, that may be exciting stuff. I will look for Jan Guillon in the library next week.
With the Stockholm-projekt, it goes on and on, and time is getting shorter since departure comes nearer. Now I even have an address (or did I told you that?) in djurgarden, quite funny - I'm right sitting at this moment at a terminal in "Tiergarten", hmmmm.

The football-season is over - allright it was enough, I didn't even see the final play-off. Strang - in Italy, though they played a great match, and faught like lions, with a very good result (second place), Dino Zoff will no longer be the Coach...

bye bye


lettres des enfants perdus

Post 26

Lost in Scotland

From a terminal in "Tiergarten" to an apartment in "Djurgården". Life is funny with its quirks of fate sometimes.

I have to say that I didn't see either the semi-finals or the final game in Euro2000. I just couldn't be bothered. I even think I had better things to do. I can't remember what those "better things to do" was, but they must've been more important than the football games. And as always when it comes to football, it's the coaches fault that a team loses.Somehow, the players are never to blame for failure. I do find that pretty weird. But then again, what do I know?

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 27

justus jonas

I just surfed through the dark sites of h2g2. It's strange, stranger strangest what you find.

First I figuered out what ACEs are, then I discovered a 13 year old anglo-phillipinian girl (ACE of course) who has much more knowledge about h2g2 and all the html-stuff and other software-things, then I will probably ever have! Well she's an "angle" also, and from the ANGEL-site I picked up "the Saint of social embaressement" who led me to the Teenage issues site, where I discovered in deed strange conversations, in generaly about sex... smells like teen spirit...

Check it out, check DA out!

djurgarden is also a sportsclub i heard?

it's getting late


lettres des enfants perdus

Post 28

Lost in Scotland

Hehe.. It's not healthy to start following links all over the place, cause you never know where you'll end up. I guess you just proved that.smiley - smiley

Djurgården is in deed one of the main sports organisations in Stockholm, and they have an Ice Hockey team in the SHL (Premier League of Swedish Hockey) a football team that is currently struggling to stay in the top division (yo-yoing between the top division and first division) and I guess they've got a whole heap of different sports departments. Beware of the fan club of thefootball team, though (known as the Blue Saints, even though they're not really saints). The hockey crowd is pretty much like any hockey crowd. They're there to see the game, not to fight the opponent's fan club.

Ha en trevlig kväll!

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 29

justus jonas

trävlig kväll? Et s'raat so.

I saw the preview MI-2, en trävlig scientolisk film. I was not really boared of all that fighting stuff, and all this stunts trying to unproove Newton. Before I had to wait for one houre in a bunch of boaring people, so called "Sneakies" because they always whatch the Sneak-previews. Then, it wasn't worse to spend all night for that crap.


lettres des enfants perdus

Post 30

Lost in Scotland

Hmpf... I haven't been to the movies since Scream 3 was fairly new here (beginning of June) and it seems as if I won't be going anytime soon either. Simply because I don't have a penny to spare for those kinds of pleasures. This month is terribly poor for me, as I've gotten a culmination of bills this month (including two rents and my student loan). I think I'd like to go see MI-2, though. But I'd like to go see Gladiator before I go to see MI-2, cause Gladiator appeals more to me than MI-2 does.

I think I'll just go home and go to sleep now. Been at work for pretty much 12 hours right now, and I'm tired.
Bis morgens.

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 31

justus jonas

Jaja, wunderbar...

Save your money: don't watch MI-2, pleasure is something else, Cruise is so enourmous "eitel", det är sa man kan spy!

Now, again I have to concentrate on an examination which I have on 24+25 July.

OK see you later, now make the best of your pennies left. My time is running out. Can't write more, don't know anything.

Goodbye, tjena, ciao


lettres des enfants perdus

Post 32


So, how are you guys doing?! Anything interesting going on?!

Hejda, (sorry, har inte svensk pa den datoren (I'm totally out of Swedish, need to practice again smiley - smiley))

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 33

Lost in Scotland

Hej på dig.

How are you. Haven't heard from you in a long while. How's things in the Caribbean these days?
Over here, I can't say that there's much interesting going on. Decided to revamp my info page, that's about it.

Oh, and a Concorde crashed in France yesterday.

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 34


Hej smiley - smiley

Good question, I don't know how things are in the Caribbean, I'm still in Holland smiley - smiley
I don't really have much interesting to say now...

Greets, Miriam

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 35

Lost in Scotland

Still haven't returned? Or are you going to stay in Holland for an extended period of time still?
I don't think I've got anything else to say either, so I'll just send this message now.

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 36


Nope, the 7 weeks aren't up yet... and I don't mind that at all... not really in a hurry to get back home...
I think I'm in love smiley - smiley

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 37

Lost in Scotland

Ooooohhhh.. Person, place or pet? (just making sure)
Then I can understand that you don't want to go back to the Caribbean and school and stuff.

Have a good weekend. I'm going home now.

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 38


Person smiley - smiley
A guy even! smiley - smiley

Have a good weekend!

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 39

Lost in Scotland

A guy even? Then I can definitely understand why you don't feel like going back to the Caribbean.
How long have you got until you're supposed to go back?

lettres des enfants perdus

Post 40


About ten days smiley - sadface

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