Justus Jonas

Hello, I am Justus Jonas. In fact I'm not, for this is only a nickname I gave to me.

Die Drei ???

Justus Jonas is a charakter from the childrens detectve story series "The Three Investigators" which was (and still is) very popular in Germany, better known as "Die Drei ???".

First Detective: Justus Jonas

In fact, I am no private investigator. I'm just a a student from Germany who spends his time in Stockholm.

I am not allone

Many people about my age (I was born in 1975) are suffering under the same ???-desease as me. The symphtomes are: reciting famous ???-dialoges. Just have a look at http://www.rockybeach.de. Some even buy the new issues!

I also heard you can download every single issue as MP3 files. If somebody has a clue: tell me please!

So far...

I am looking for forward getting a message from you. Kanske på svenska? Oder natuerlich auch gerne auf Deutsch.


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justus jonas

Researcher U123977


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